Good thing my hubby is taking daily pictures of Cole because I took this one from his blog.
Everyone keeps asking how Pearl is adjusting to being a big sister. Well, once we convinced her that coming home after three days of sleepovers at Grandmas' and Grandpas' houses wasn't so bad (she sat in my parent's van and screamed "I want to go back to Logan" refusing to come out for at least 20 minutes until I pried her out of her car seat), it's been pretty smooth sailing.
Our main concern at this point is not that she wants to send him back but that she will accidentally smother the poor kid. She just loves him and can't get enough of her little brother. She says he is "so cute" and tells him "coochy-coochy-coo" all the time. She always wants to kiss him but when Pearl kisses Cole it's more like an open mouth mauling, as she waits for him to kiss her back. We've worked on that and we're seeing improvements on just quick kisses. That and not touching his head or trying to flatten his awesome rock star hair. Pearl loves to hold Cole and after almost two weeks, calls him Cole almost exclusively instead of going back and forth between Ricco and Cole. She tells everyone that he poops a lot and finds it hilarious when he farts and poops. She doesn't like it when he grunts or cries and proceeds to say "SHHHHHH" really, really, really loud! It gets super annoying and we're trying to convince her that Cole talks by grunting and it's ok if he cries once in awhile. Pearl has been really helpful around the house and I am so grateful to have such wonderful babies... even if my first baby is almost three (going on 16)!
Boo to jaundice. Boo to not being able to cuddle with our tiny newborn. Boo to trying to keep him happy and warm strapped in his billi-bed. It wasn't until I saw pictures of Cole that I realized just how carrot-ish his color was. The doctor freaked me out the day we went home because his billirubin levels were considered high risk and we had to have home health come in with a billi-bed and billi-blanket to try and get the levels down. Had we stayed longer, he would have been moved to the special care nursery. I was a lot more upset than I tried to let on but I was freaking out inside! Thank heavens for our nurse who talked to me for at least a 45 minutes about how to take care of Cole when he was strapped in the billi-bed, stark naked in our cold, uninsulated house. We all hated the billi-lights. Cole even figured out how to break free in the middle of the night. Three days and two blood tests later, we were cleared to cuddle as much as we wanted!
Does it surprise anyone that we picked super cute Aggie gear to take Cole home in? I was just bummed he couldn't wear the matching USU booties Jeff bought... but it would have been a bit too much with footed jammies not to mention a sweltering hazard with all those layers.
My sister is going to kill me for posting this picture but I just couldn't help it. Sure I could have posted more pics of Cole (visit Jeff's blog) but this one is too hilarious to not share! All I can say is when your sister starts asking loads of questions about childbirth and other womanly postpartum issues , the easiest answer to give is to send her in the bathroom. Then laugh hysterically when she comes out just as the nurse comes in to see how things are going.
Or if you need a more simple answer, I'd suggest Jeff's reply to Kimmy's questioning:
Q: What do elephants use as tampons?
A: Sheep
Lesson to be learned: Never buy a red sweater!
If you don't get any of this, just wait until you have a baby yourself!
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I figured with a new beginning in our lives as we welcome Cole to our family, it's the perfect time to try this whole 365 project again. I really hope this time I make it the entire year... and with no plans to puke for six months anytime in the near future I think my chances are fairly good. For full details on today's event, read here.
And some of these pictures I admittedly stole from Jeff's new blog documenting Cole's first year. Check it out!
I'll try to post different pictures on My 365 Project blog than what Jeff posts but promise me you'll take a daily peek at my adorable baby boy!
I'm going to try this whole 365 thing again. I almost made it... had I not been puking for 6 months straight I would have finished my daily documentation of our lives. But with an adorable excuse to get me taking pictures again, I figured I'd try, try, try again!
My other blog
As if one blog wasn't enough, you can see what else we've been up to on our family blog: