Of course we head over to Bear Lake for Raspberry Days and Pearl gets sick. She wouldn't eat. She had a fever. She was grouchy. She didn't sleep. She was dehydrated. Basically she refused to do anything that would help her get feeling better, including taking some Tylenol. Out of sheer desperation to stop the whining and try and get her feeling better, we attempted to trick her into taking them with a shake. She's smarter than we thought. She ate all the ice cream around the stupid pill then spit it out. Next, we tried dissolving them in some juice. She is more stubborn than we thought. Even with three of us holding her down and dumping the juice down her throat, it didn't work. She spit, she gagged, she gargled until I feared we would drown her. We had to strip her down to her panties at this point because she was soaking wet. Finally, we took her inside, shoved two pills in her mouth and proceeded to yell over her screaming as we chomped her teeth together. It wasn't fun. It wasn't pretty. She peed all over me and the floor because she was screaming so much. Jeff yelled. Pearl yelled. And I yelled. It was embarrassing. And hopelessly discouraging knowing your kid doesn't trust you enough to take two purple pills so she'll get feeling better. But it worked. An hour later Pearl was happy as a calm. Eating.... goldfish crackers but still it was something. Drinking. Playing. And ready for the beach. Too bad it almost 11 pm and time for bed. At least she slept good and was happy as can be the next day. Here's praying we never have to endure that again.
We're still on the liquid meds here, even for Coop, because I live in fear of enduring this exact scenario. :( Glad she felt better!