Quite possibly, my biggest regret this year was letting my kids stay up for the New Year's Eve party. The bags under my eyes today are all the proof I need to say I'm tired. Exhausted. Worn out. On the verge of catching some horrible, rotten illness from lack of good sleep. And wishing my kids were 16 and sleeping in until noon.
Pearl had a blast, until we told her the party was over and it was time for bed. Cole, not so much. That kid wouldn't fall asleep. Having just gotten over (sort of anyway) a high fever, cough, and nasty virus over Christmas, he needed to avoid the Martenilli sparking cider (or "bubbly" as I call it) that Jeff breaks out once a year, streamers, and late night gluttony and just go to bed. It was almost the new year before Jeff finally got him to lay down. A few hours of respite until he woke up TWICE that night. Story of my life lately. I know I need to enjoy this time - and believe me, I don't want him to keep growing up - but I'd sure enjoy it more if I got a full night's rest instead of getting up at least once every single night for the past seven months.
So, the first goal of 2011... learn how to apply makeup so you can't see the bags under my eyes 'cause I'm not so sure the whole good night sleeping thing is going to happen anytime soon!
Kaleb has been getting up two to three times per night lately, and he's three and a half. Good luck with that! And if that is your biggest regret, you've been a WAY better mom than me this year! :)
ReplyDeleteI need to check this blog more often! I love how "Jenny" your thoughts are. Sheesh, how like me they are. I sure adore you, your organizing, snow shoveling, laughing with and at your husband-ness!