Thursday, June 3, 2010

I've learned a few things this time around

May 29, 2010
I got a little smarter this second time around. After a few days of walking into a smelly nursery and taking out a garbage bag full of diapers at least twice a day (and remembering that this will go on for at least two years), I decided it was time to sucker in and buy a Diaper Genie. I had my doubts... I mean I could keep stuffing diapers into the tiny garbage pail in Cole's room then cringe every time I open it... or I could enjoy a smell-free room and take diapers to the trash every few days. So far it's been worth the $25. And with Jeff's reaction the first time I handed him the smell-free bag of diapers (and I quote "Holy *$!^ bag), it's a keeper.


  1. :) I really like this post. I am picturing Jeff with a big bag of diapers :) hee hee hee.

  2. We always used the immediate-take-out method, although that has backfired a couple times. Like when we'd throw the diaper down the stairs and it explodes on impact. Or the dog finding the diaper before we get it in outside. Or worse, the baby finds the diaper. Glad you are wiser than me!
