Today was a bad day. A really bad day. So bad that if I wasn't the "boss" I'd have fired myself from all mommy-related duties. Everyone cried... ALL day. I yelled, Pearl yelled. I cried, Pearl cried, and Cole cried. I couldn't figure out what Cole wanted. I knew what Pearl wanted but was always trying to feed, burp, soothe or put Cole to sleep when she decided she was hungry, bored, wanted to go outside, or tired of me ignoring her. I was an emotional, postpartum wreck. We attempted to break free and go outside twice, only to come in less than five minutes after dragging all of us, blankets, and the bouncy seat outside because of back talking and whining. At one point in the day, as I was nursing Cole and bawling uncontrollably, Pearl came in and asked me if I had a headache. To make things simple - not sure how to tell a three-year-old it's just one of those days - I said yes to her questioning. She then told me she was going to "kiss it better" and kissed my forehead. It was really sweet of her and for a few minutes I wasn't sure if I was crying out of frustration or humility that my daughter still loved me despite how the day was going.
Oh, and if you're wondering about the band aid on my finger, I cut it opening a can of olives for dinner. And that was AFTER I realized I hadn't turned on the stupid rice cooker. Urgh. Here's hoping tomorrow goes smoother.
Hang in there!