I took two screaming kids to the doctor today and left with two screaming kids. It was loads of fun. This picture is pre-visit after one hellatious fit by Pearl... which I still have no clue what sparked it or why she freaked out.
Well child visits shouldn't go down like this....
- $50 in co-pays;
- 5 shots, well technically six but one of Cole's was given orally;
- 4 band aids;
- 2 screaming, more like hyperventilating kids after said shots and band aids (to Pearl's credit, she did fantastic before we learned she had to get two shots herself);
- 1 pink sucker; and
- $160 in prescriptions.
On a happier note, I have learned that 1% hydro cortisone cream can cure just about anything... from cradle cap to eczema. And here are the kids' stats at their 3 year and two-month checkups.
Weight: 34 lbs. (76%)
Height: 38 1/2 inches (77%)
Weight: 12 lbs. 11 oz. (72%)
Height: 23 inches (50%)
Head circumference: 38.8 cm. (21%)
I can't wait for our next checkup... to the dentist next week.
Wait until kindergarten immunizations. They KNOW what's coming (I don't know how...maybe from their friends?!?), and the whining starts weeks before the actual appointment.