Jeff continues to surprise and amaze me. Tonight, after a long day of being cooped up in the house, he trudged outside with Pearl to get the wiggles out and build her first snowman. She was quite excited about the idea. Until she realized there would be work involved in rolling the snow into gigantic balls, then molding them together, and finding some pretty poor accessories for eyes (two pears I colored black with a magic marker), arms (lacrosse stick), a nose (baby carrot), and mouth (licorice rope with two toothpicks to hold it on his face). Oh and the hat (a big, black bucket).
Let's just say that Frosty is really Jeff's snowman. Pearl was too busy playing on her swings to finish helping her dad. She was however, very, very upset the next day when she saw the rain had melted him. So upset that she told us we needed to go to the Logan Temple and ask Jesus why He didn't want it to snow so we could fix Frosty.
I actually think your snowman is really cute!