Tonight was the Ward Family Christmas Party. As part of the committee in charge of tonight's festivities, we were there early and stayed late.
We had a "Christmas in the Morning" theme. The kids (and a few adults) wore their jammies. We ate Christmas/breakfast casseroles, cinnamon rolls, and fruit salads. And not to be mean, but my casserole really did look the best. Plus it was the only one that didn't have sausage in it... I'm more of a ham-kind-of-girl myself. We had a visit from Santa. And we made gingerbread houses. Well, graham cracker houses. It was quite ingenious on my part I thought - to pre-assemble kits in giant Ziplock bags complete with candy, frosting, and graham crackers. Ok, so it was more that I refused to make actual gingerbread then assemble 50 houses at home prior to the party, which was the original plan. I was actually quite surprised to hear how many people there had never made a gingerbread house before. Jeff included.
Of course, you'd never know this was Jeff's first time he had assembled a gingerbread house after seeing his "apartment complex" and NOT an outhouse as everyone kept calling it. We were, as Jeff dubbed it, "slum Lords" with a two story building complete with a fancy tinfoil roof and two cars. Even thought Jeff disagreed with me, I insisted we bring this masterpiece home. We'll see how long it lasts before someone smashes, eats, or drops it.
Looks better than ours. Good job!