It was scary waking up to this face today. Talk about some serious bed head. I don't get how Pearl's hair can go from nicely combed at night to this - a ragged, snarled, frizzy mess. She must twirl it around with her fingers in her sleep. At any rate, it wasn't pretty. But she was was perfectly content with her new do, probably because she screams every morning when I tell her it's time to get it combed. I told her it was crazy to which she replied it wasn't and to leave her alone. With cartoons on my side, I was able to distract her long enough to comb through this mess. Even then it was still frizzy. But a screaming three year old quickly quelled my idea of trying to make it look cute. A few minutes later though Pearl came running up to me saying, "Mom, my hair is crazy! Fix it!" I'm not sure what came over her... maybe she took a glance at herself in the bathroom mirror, but at least she let me put in a few ponytails to hide the fact that she looked like an orphan today!
When Cade's hair starts to look like this in the morning, I don't comb it. I schedule an appointment to get it cut off! ha ha!