I had a hard time deciding what to post for today's picture. We went to the library, Cole rolled over from his tummy to his back, Pearl made me a supper of strawberry milk and carrots, and my sister came over for a visit. But I don't get many pictures of Cole and Pearl together - mainly because we can't ever get both of them to cooperate or look and smile at the camera at the same time. So you get an imperfect shot of a big sister who was thrilled when I told her to take her little brother down the slide for the first time (supervised of course). Maybe next year Cole will look a bit more happy to have his big sister toting him around the playground. But Pearl didn't seem to mind Cole's hesitation to go down the slide again. In her words, and which she repeats nearly 500 times a day, "Cole sure likes me!" Yes, Pearl, Cole sure does like you!
Cole's legs are looking so cute and chubby. I need to come see him again so I can pinch those rolls! :)