For Father's Day I helped Pearl make bird feeders for all of her grandpas (and Dad too). I figured they would be easy to make and keep her entertained for a few minutes. She wasn't too sure about the whole project at first. We went on a short walk to gather pine cones then we slathered them in peanut butter (this is the point at which Pearl really thought I had lost my marbles) and rolled them in bird seed. I'm pretty sure Pearl had more fun playing with the string than anything else we did though. I had to explain to her about five thousand times that these bird feeders were for outside birds and not inside birds. You see, her Godparents next door have two birds and Pearl was certain they would enjoy the bird feeders she had made. Unfortunately these birds are a bit more high class than peanut putter and pine cones. I think all of the grandpas were mighty impressed by Pearl's gift, even if the peanut butter did melt and nearly all the seeds fell off before we got them to everyone. Or maybe it was the hugs and kisses of a little girl that made their Father's Day. Either way, we had a wonderful weekend visiting ALL of our grandpas.
Fun idea!