Today was Pearl's actual birthday... the big 3! To celebrate I told her we would do anything she wanted. Well, three hours later after playing at the park in the sweltering heat, this little princess was pooped. Ok so her mom and brother were the ones who were tired... good thing Pearl can be easily bribed with a Popsicle. I found her sound asleep not too long after we got home with her boa on and her birthday card from our neighbors right next to her (this picture was taken shortly after Pearl woke up realizing a camera was in her face and proceeded to banshee scream at me to stop). It's one of those singing cards and boy oh boy has Pearl LOVED that card! It sings some princess song that starts out "Every girl can be a princess." Pearl knows the entire song by heart (I admit I could probably sing along to it too but am not about to document it on the blog). It's amazing how quickly she picks up songs and even more amazing, the mess that follows when she decides it's only proper to sing along with the birthday card decked out in full princess apparel and dumps the entire dress up box on her bedroom floor. Oh well, I guess when it's your birthday you can do what you want!
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