Remember when you were a kid and blowing the paper off your straw was super cool and funny? Well, Pearl loves to blow her straw right at me every chance she gets. Jeff will even grab a couple of extra straws so she can be sure to hit her target at least once. Then they both laugh. So tonight when we talked Jeff's parents into buying us a frozen custard, Pearl couldn't resist hitting me and Grandpa with the straws. I was happy to see I had actually captured the moment with this picture... you can even see the paper flying right for me! Pearl giggled and giggled then fell sound asleep on the bench even before getting her ice cream. It was kind of funny because not too long after Pearl fell asleep, Cole fell asleep sitting up in my arms so Jeff and I both had to lug sleeping kids out to the car (with every woman in the place oohing and ahhing at Cole and his hair). I guess they both had had too much fun.
Jeff is a fun dad. I'm usually screaming at the kids to STOP spitting their straw wrappers! :)