After years of trying to grow pots like you see in Better Homes & Garden magazines, I decided to just stick with something that I can't kill... petunias. As long as I remember to water them once in awhile, they seem to thrive. So I was looking forward to a quiet afternoon to get the rest of my pots planted in the back. After dragging the bag of potting soil out of the back of the truck, getting Cole situated on a blanket, and finding the shovel, I only got one pot filled with soil. Cole decided he was hungry or tired, neither one of us were sure. The dark clouds rolled in, rain started to sprinkle on us, and the wind kicked up. I frantically drug the potting soil under a table so it didn't wash away in the upcoming storm and left the petunias to fend for themselves on the patio. Maybe tomorrow I'll finally get my flowers planted.
I've had an entire flat of flowers sitting on my front porch for a week....I can't find the time/weather to get them in, either! :(