June 29, 2010 While Jeff (aka Daryll Strawberry, at least according to Pearl) was hitting home runs and Pearl was gorging herself on the free popcorn, this is how Cole spent tonight's ward softball game. It must be hard having gaggles of women oohing and ahhing over you. And it was a welcome break for me to have so many eager hands to hold him. I'm pretty sure Cole realized these ladies knew a few things about raising babies and kids because he didn't make a squawk once he got in their arms.
June 28, 2010 Today marked Pearl's first day of swimming lessons. Seeing as how neither Jeff or I are great swimmers, we felt it important that Pearl learn some basics. Well, to be truthful I'm just hoping by the end of the two weeks she will actually stick her face under the water to blow bubbles and float on her back without freaking out. With her new swimming suit and pink goggles she was ready to hit the pool! In fact, she didn't want to get out when her lessons were up. I wasn't sure how to explain to her that she couldn't stay there all day, especially when it's at her friend's house and her mom is her teacher. Luckily Cole provided a good excuse to dash out of there since he wasn't very happy. And I'm happy to report that my years of swimming lessons must have paid off because I'm pretty sure I could do all the moves Pearl learned today. Unfortunately for Pearl, we've got a lot of practicing to do in the bathtub over the next two weeks if she's going to be swimming laps like Jeff is hoping for.
June 27, 2010 You'd think with a seven hour stretch of sleep last night (thank you Cole... minus the slight panic attack I had thinking you had stopped breathing because it had been so long and for making my boobs feel like they were on fire and ready to explode) that I wouldn't fall asleep on the couch not more than 15 minutes after getting home from church. But I guess I'm more tired than I realize because anytime I try to burp Cole I end up falling asleep. While napping with my babies is one of the most precious memories I have as a mom, it's not such a lovely sight now that I can see it from everyone else's vantage point. I mean, what's with my mouth? I'm just glad there isn't any visible drool.
June 26, 2010 An IOU to Robert Dyer Photography for the great picture today. It was just one of those days where I did nothing, absolutely nothing including taking any picture that was worthy of posting on the blog. I seriously did nothing, although we did try to see Toy Story 3 but had a total meltdown by Pearl when we learned it was sold out.
But an even bigger IOU to my sister and brother-in-law. They know why they get the big IOU for saving me today! But seriously, I don't know what I would do without these two. Growing up I hated, hated my sister! We never got along and I couldn't possibly imagine a time in my life when I'd actually enjoy being with her. Well, I was so wrong! I love her to pieces and don't know what I'd do without her (and Nick). They practically saved my marriage on several occasions when I was pregnant with Cole. Not to mention kept Pearl alive every weekend I was home puking and in bed! They make me laugh. They are fun to just talk to and hang out with. They don't expect me to be anyone I'm not. They both love, love, love my kids and enjoy being with them. I feel like I can talk to Kimmy about anything. And I love having Nick around to talk to! Plus they are smokin' hot wouldn't you say from this picture!? I will be heart broken, devastated, horribly miserable when they pick up and head off to medical school next year so I'm enjoying every impromptu get together like we had tonight while I can.
June 25, 2010 Jeff had a "surprise" for Pearl and I today... he found our old swimming pool and filled it up so we could have something to cool off in with this heat wave. Pearl was in heaven! I thought about getting in with her but opted to try and stay cool in the shade with Cole. It's just a royal pain to try and towel off with a screaming baby and three-year-old who refuses to go inside so you can feed her brother. I should have just gotten in on my own accord though because once Jeff got home, no wasn't an option. Let's just say the evening ended with a lot of giggles and one soaking wet mom who was NOT wearing proper pool attire.
June 23, 2010 Remember when you were a kid and blowing the paper off your straw was super cool and funny? Well, Pearl loves to blow her straw right at me every chance she gets. Jeff will even grab a couple of extra straws so she can be sure to hit her target at least once. Then they both laugh. So tonight when we talked Jeff's parents into buying us a frozen custard, Pearl couldn't resist hitting me and Grandpa with the straws. I was happy to see I had actually captured the moment with this picture... you can even see the paper flying right for me! Pearl giggled and giggled then fell sound asleep on the bench even before getting her ice cream. It was kind of funny because not too long after Pearl fell asleep, Cole fell asleep sitting up in my arms so Jeff and I both had to lug sleeping kids out to the car (with every woman in the place oohing and ahhing at Cole and his hair). I guess they both had had too much fun.
June 22, 2010 I've never driven our Audi before... and we've had it since last fall. It's a stick shift. I know, it's pathetic that at 29 I've never learned to a stick shift. When we bought our Audi I told Jeff that as soon as I stopped puking (and could stand the smell of a newly detailed vehicle), I'd learn how to drive it. Then when the puking stopped, I told Jeff once I could actually see my feet and had "Ricco" I'd learn. Then when I had Cole, I told him that once I'm not totally exhausted and can actually remember my own name I'd learn. That last excuse didn't fly so tonight Jeff took me out on my first driving lesson. I promised not to cry and he promised not to yell, too much anyway. And I told him I wanted to start off in a parking lot where the potential for killing someone or wrecking the car was low. Little did I know a girl would jump out in front of me in the parking lot and panic me right from the beginning! I couldn't decide if I was more scared of getting yelled at, dropping the transmission, giving Cole permanent damage from whiplash, killing someone, or that I'd actually enjoy this whole experience. I admit I panicked a couple of times when I realized I could go forward but had no clue what to do when I had to stop or go in reverse. Jeff even had to rescue me because I couldn't figure out how to back up on a slight hill with traffic coming my way. A guy stopped to see if we needed help then laughed hysterically when Jeff told him he was trying to teach me how to drive. We laughed a lot too, mostly so I wouldn't cry and Jeff wouldn't yell (minus those few times he yelled "CLUTCH! CLUTCH!" at me as I yelled back "How do I stop?"). After about an hour of practice we did make it home alive but I've still got a long way to go... Jeff says my next lesson will focus on going in reverse!
June 21, 2010 I tried to think of something witty to take a picture of today to commemorate the first day of summer but I couldn't come up with anything. I kept thinking, what does summer really mean to me? Not working. Not being in school. And laying on the beach at Bear Lake getting a nice tan in my pre-babies body when I actually liked a swimming suit. Well, I've got the not working and not being in school part down but seeing as how I wasn't at the beach today I opted to take a picture of Cole instead. I figured a picture of him napping would work for those lazy days of summer memories of the past! Plus, I wanted to remember how cute he looks all curled up before he gets too big to tuck his feet together under his bum.
June 20, 2010 For Father's Day I helped Pearl make bird feeders for all of her grandpas (and Dad too). I figured they would be easy to make and keep her entertained for a few minutes. She wasn't too sure about the whole project at first. We went on a short walk to gather pine cones then we slathered them in peanut butter (this is the point at which Pearl really thought I had lost my marbles) and rolled them in bird seed. I'm pretty sure Pearl had more fun playing with the string than anything else we did though. I had to explain to her about five thousand times that these bird feeders were for outside birds and not inside birds. You see, her Godparents next door have two birds and Pearl was certain they would enjoy the bird feeders she had made. Unfortunately these birds are a bit more high class than peanut putter and pine cones. I think all of the grandpas were mighty impressed by Pearl's gift, even if the peanut butter did melt and nearly all the seeds fell off before we got them to everyone. Or maybe it was the hugs and kisses of a little girl that made their Father's Day. Either way, we had a wonderful weekend visiting ALL of our grandpas.
June 19, 2010 We took Cole to meet his namesake today... my grandpa, Don Royal who was named after his father, Royal S. and who I learned today was named after his uncle Royal. And I also learned that my grandpa hated his middle name growing up. Guess we should have had grandpa weigh in on our baby naming poll at the hospital 'cause it's too late to change his name now.
June 18, 2010 This blue-eyed, blonde haired, cute (or as Pearl corrects me, handsome) baby boy is one month old today! If he doesn't stop growing I might get some psychotic idea to have another kid!!!
June 17, 2010 Rather than mow the lawn like Jeff had intended to do tonight, Pearl talked him into taking us to the Salt Lake Bees baseball game. It was a good thing we went too because it's not everyday you see Darryl Strawberry hit a grand slam. Yes, that's right Darryl Strawberry, former baseball star. At least that's what Pearl believes she saw at the game, well any baseball game for that matter. She was pumped to go to the baseball game after calling Jeff earlier in the afternoon to ask him if we could "go to Salt Lake to watch Darryl Strawberry play baseball." Or maybe it was knowing she could get a tub of butter-slathered popcorn to chow down at the game that was the real reason for her excitement. How she comes up with this stuff I have no idea but what Dad can say no to a kid who loves sports at least as much as he does? Even Cole had a good time at the game, which was a miracle considering this week has been really, really hard with him and we seriously debated even going because we feared he'd just scream the whole time. Everyone kept staring at him and commenting about his hair... he totally stole the show from Darryl's appearance. So even though the lawn is still about a foot tall, getting out of the house together as a family was definitely a grand slam!
June 16, 2010 One minute you're Pearl's best friend and the next you're on her "you're not my friend list." Ever since Cole arrived, Jeff has been Pearl's best friend. She reminds me about 50 times a day that I'm not her best friend, Dad is. I'm Cole's best friend (but we're all "buddies" as she tells me). I guess it's only fair that I get to finally hear what Jeff has heard for the last three years. Trying to avoid being told another "movie secret" (Pearl tells you she has a secret then says whatever it is she wants when you ask what her secret is... really funny) and telling her we weren't watching one, we broke out the Memory game this afternoon. As soon as Jeff walked in the door, Pearl was begging her best friend to play with her. To make my life simple, we had modified the rules when Pearl and I played. Pretty much Pearl just played and kept all the cards turned over so she could see the pictures. Jeff however, actually got her to play by the rules, even though she was a "cheatin' buttinski" most of the time. Finding 36 matches makes for a very long game of seeing the same three cards over and over again and explaining you only get to turn over two cards when you're playing with a three-year-old but that's what best friends are for.
June 15, 2010 Jeff decided to take Pearl on a daddy/daughter date every month to help her remember that we do still love her even though we ignore her now that Cole is here. He also thought it would be a good idea for a mommy/Pearl date too... probably even more important since I'm really the one who ignores her most of the time to deal with Cole and she's bored out of her mind with me most days. So tonight Pearl and I had our first "girls date" as Pearl dubbed it with "no boys." We went to a glitter toes party. I had no clue what this was but apparently it's all the rage this summer. And if it keeps me from having to paint Pearl's stinky piggy toes every three days, I was all for spending the $25 to get our toes glittered. Pearl of course picked out the hot pink, sparkly color while I opted for something a bit different. My thinking was I didn't want to be the same as everyone else there (who also happened to pick the same color as Pearl) and I was trying to make Jeff notice that I did my darndest to find an Aggie blue color. The best part about the night, beside spending time with just Pearl, is the glitter should last a minimum 6-8 weeks which means no "finger-tails" (yes, that's how Pearl pronounces it) painting all summer!!!
June 14, 2010 You know it's time to buy a new swimming suit when your kid yells at you, "Mom, fix my wedgie!" Then comes running over trying to dig her wet suit out of her little butt crack. I thought I'd spare Pearl the embarrassment and not post a picture of the wedgie (but I did get a cute shot or two of it). You also know it's time to buy a bigger pool when you watch your kid slide down with a toy hoe only to have it practically gut her because her feet and the hoe hit the edge of the pool at the same time. Not one of my finer mom moments... should have seen that one coming when I glanced over and saw Pearl at the top of the slide with it in her hand. Despite the wedgie and near gutting, Pearl had a blast playing in the pool until she had splashed every single drop of water out of it. Then it was all I could do to drag her back in the house knowing all too well the next couple of days were probably going to be too cold and rainy to go swimming again.
June 13, 2010 I was going to post about bad decision number two this weekend... going to church where Pearl slammed into a heater, got a bloody nose and lip, and came down to us in Sunday School covered in blood (and that was after we restrained ourselves from killing each other in Sacrament meeting) but I didn't think it appropriate to take a picture of my child covered in blood and screaming. Or I thought about posting a picture from one of two baking adventures Pearl and I had this week. But when my grandparents called saying they wanted to stop by on their way back home from my cousin's wedding, I knew this was the picture of the day. I'm so glad they were able to come and meet Cole. I remember all of my great-grandmas and grew up knowing all of my grandparents really well. I hope Pearl and Cole get that wonderful experience. I have so many memories of my grandparents and love them all so much! I'm so grateful we have pictures of both Pearl and Cole with their great grandparents, it's something we will always treasure. My grandma was smitten with him and I'm surprised she actually gave him up to leave (after MUCH prodding and hinting by my grandpa). Both couldn't believe all of Cole's hair but that seems to be the normal reaction we get. They had a couple of funny jokes to share too about what we should tell people when they ask how we got such gorgeous babies. The punch lines were to tell people (well this one is just for Jeff to say) "I didn't make 'em with my face" or "They aren't mine." Guess you'd have to hear the entire joke to really get it.
June 12, 2010 Sometimes you make the wrong decision. Like staying cooped up all weekend because it's raining, windy, and freezing cold instead of going down south where it's warm. Although had I made that decision I'm sure I'd be writing about driving for hours with two screaming kids and having a total meltdown myself. We thought the annual car show at the park would be canceled, our only idea for getting out of the house at some point during the weekend, but it went on rain and all. Jeff and Cole enjoyed a manly activity together walking around peering into the engines of all these classic cars and trucks. Pearl and I tried our best to get the whole car thing (I do take pictures of the truck/car Jeff always finds that he would love to drive home and any Ford close to my dad's 1940 pickup) but we ended up taking Jeff's money and spending it at the bouncy slide. Pearl had a great time playing on the slide and a really nice Dad who was there with his boy told all the other kids to let her go first, every single time. After butting in line for several rounds, we decided to call it quits and head home.
June 11, 2010 Pearl came in as I was nursing Cole and told me, "Mom, I have a surprise for you." Thinking the worst had happened, like sprinkles strewn all over the floor (she had been begging me to make cupcakes with her all morning) or that she had broken something, I cautiously asked her what the surprise was. "I made your bed!" was her eager reply. I was pleasantly surprised indeed and for a three-year-old I think she did a pretty good job.
June 10, 2010 After years of trying to grow pots like you see in Better Homes & Garden magazines, I decided to just stick with something that I can't kill... petunias. As long as I remember to water them once in awhile, they seem to thrive. So I was looking forward to a quiet afternoon to get the rest of my pots planted in the back. After dragging the bag of potting soil out of the back of the truck, getting Cole situated on a blanket, and finding the shovel, I only got one pot filled with soil. Cole decided he was hungry or tired, neither one of us were sure. The dark clouds rolled in, rain started to sprinkle on us, and the wind kicked up. I frantically drug the potting soil under a table so it didn't wash away in the upcoming storm and left the petunias to fend for themselves on the patio. Maybe tomorrow I'll finally get my flowers planted.
June 9, 2010 We went on a picnic today and it was a good thing I picked the lame park first. I wanted to be adventurous and see something new other than the three parks we always go to. So I unloaded two kids, a car seat, diaper bag, camera bag, blanket, and lunch box and pretty much took over the only two benches there. Not less than two minutes after I started to nurse Cole who had been screaming at us since we had left the library, Pearl came running over yelling she had to go potty and go NOW! Of course! Thank heavens I picked the park I did because had we gone to the one at the school across the street that Pearl wanted to go to, we wouldn't have had the luxury of a public restroom. With no other souls in sight, I hoisted Cole up and over to the bathroom. The poor kid must have thought his milk supply was going to be taken away because he grabbed a hold of my shirt with his little hands and started sucking for dear life. I'm sure the surveillance camera caught a nice glimpse of my left boob at some point during this whole fiasco.
We made it into the bathroom (I was praying as I put my hand on the door handle that it wasn't locked) only to have Pearl dancing around not able to undo her pants or hop up on the toilet. Oh, and her covering her nose and doing her whole cough, this stinks routine. She has a serious phobia of public restrooms. In fact nine times out of ten, if she has to use a public restroom, she'll hold it until we get home. Since Cole wasn't going to let go of me for anything, I squatted down, yanked Pearl's pants off, grabbed her arm, and told her to jump. We barely made it. It was a good thing the park was totally lame because out we came, boobs and all, with thank heavens, no one in sight - which also made me grateful that I didn't have to debate about whether to leave all of our stuff out in plain sight to get stolen by some punk kids or try to drag it all into the bathroom before Pearl had an accident. I'm guessing only a mom would understand the frustration, eye-rolling, and then laughter than ensued once we finished our lunch, Cole included, packed up and drove to the "cool" park that Pearl wanted to go to all along.
June 8, 2010 After yesterday's fiasco, today was MUCH better. Pearl went to school so she was much happier to be around me when she got home. And it gave me a chance to sit around and do nothing all day. Well, I fed, burped, changed, and played with Cole but seeing as how Cole slept almost the entire day, I literally did nothing. It was glorious! I actually thought I was bored at one point. Jeff even commented that he wanted a summer vacation like me. Uh, yeah three month vacation I think not! But I'll certainly take a lazy day when it comes along!
June 7, 2010 Today was a bad day. A really bad day. So bad that if I wasn't the "boss" I'd have fired myself from all mommy-related duties. Everyone cried... ALL day. I yelled, Pearl yelled. I cried, Pearl cried, and Cole cried. I couldn't figure out what Cole wanted. I knew what Pearl wanted but was always trying to feed, burp, soothe or put Cole to sleep when she decided she was hungry, bored, wanted to go outside, or tired of me ignoring her. I was an emotional, postpartum wreck. We attempted to break free and go outside twice, only to come in less than five minutes after dragging all of us, blankets, and the bouncy seat outside because of back talking and whining. At one point in the day, as I was nursing Cole and bawling uncontrollably, Pearl came in and asked me if I had a headache. To make things simple - not sure how to tell a three-year-old it's just one of those days - I said yes to her questioning. She then told me she was going to "kiss it better" and kissed my forehead. It was really sweet of her and for a few minutes I wasn't sure if I was crying out of frustration or humility that my daughter still loved me despite how the day was going.
Oh, and if you're wondering about the band aid on my finger, I cut it opening a can of olives for dinner. And that was AFTER I realized I hadn't turned on the stupid rice cooker. Urgh. Here's hoping tomorrow goes smoother.
June 6, 2010 When Pearl was a baby Jeff would come home from work, grab a blanket, and take her out for an afternoon nap under the trees. Napping with his babies is one of his most favorite things - one because it means they aren't squawking at him and two because if there's anything Jeff loves it's a good nap. This was Cole and Jeff's first official nap in the shade together on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I'm sure there will be plenty more to come, especially because Cole is a spittin' image of his old man.
June 5, 2010 She even got the right number of fingers to show how old she is now... well at least on one of her hands! I have to admit it's better than I can do. Most people make fun of how I show three fingers (pinky, middle, and pointer fingers up with thumb holding down the ring finger... weird I know) so I'm glad to see Pearl won't be getting teased for that her entire life.
June 4, 2010 Today was Pearl's actual birthday... the big 3! To celebrate I told her we would do anything she wanted. Well, three hours later after playing at the park in the sweltering heat, this little princess was pooped. Ok so her mom and brother were the ones who were tired... good thing Pearl can be easily bribed with a Popsicle. I found her sound asleep not too long after we got home with her boa on and her birthday card from our neighbors right next to her (this picture was taken shortly after Pearl woke up realizing a camera was in her face and proceeded to banshee scream at me to stop). It's one of those singing cards and boy oh boy has Pearl LOVED that card! It sings some princess song that starts out "Every girl can be a princess." Pearl knows the entire song by heart (I admit I could probably sing along to it too but am not about to document it on the blog). It's amazing how quickly she picks up songs and even more amazing, the mess that follows when she decides it's only proper to sing along with the birthday card decked out in full princess apparel and dumps the entire dress up box on her bedroom floor. Oh well, I guess when it's your birthday you can do what you want!
June 3, 2010 Pearl has been looking forward to her birthday all week. I'm not sure what she thinks birthdays are all about but part of the festivities included sharing treats with her friends at school. I was praying I'd make it on time for snacks because Cole decided at the last minute that he was hungry. Luckily we made it just as everyone was sitting down. I'm sure it was pretty comical to watch a ragged, sleep deprived, bags-under-her-eyes mom lugging in a car seat, diaper bag, camera, three boxes of Capri Suns, and three boxes of fruit snacks. But it sure made Pearl's whole day!
June 2, 2010 Laundry day used to be on Friday... just Friday. But then we had a boy. Either boys just pee a lot or this mama hasn't figured out how to change a little boy's diaper yet. I'm guessing it's the latter.
June 1, 2010 Today was Cole's first doctor's appointment and his second prick for his newborn screening test. Poor little guy, he bleeds like his mom... meaning multiple pokes because it clots before you can get enough blood out. Here's the two week stats:
Weight: 8 lbs. 8 oz. (43%) Height: 20 1/2 inches (44%) Head circumference: 35.8 cm. (25%)
Apparently he is getting something from me because he has definitely grown!
May 31, 2010 Pearl got her green thumbs from me... pretty much non-existent. Jeff is the real gardener in the family, Pearl and I just "supervise" and help pick out flowers at the store. We bought a bunch of red and orange flowers for our front flower beds and pots and Jeff spent all day planting and cleaning up the yard (oh and in his spare time, washing all the windows inside and out). I am so grateful Jeff works hard to make our home beautiful. Now if I can only do my part and remember to water everything!
May 30, 2010 I realized we didn't have many pictures of Cole with his family so I asked Jeff to snap a shot of us after church. I figured it might be the only time I looked semi-awake with my hair and makeup done. Don't you just love that little boy's wild hair?!
May 29, 2010 I got a little smarter this second time around. After a few days of walking into a smelly nursery and taking out a garbage bag full of diapers at least twice a day (and remembering that this will go on for at least two years), I decided it was time to sucker in and buy a Diaper Genie. I had my doubts... I mean I could keep stuffing diapers into the tiny garbage pail in Cole's room then cringe every time I open it... or I could enjoy a smell-free room and take diapers to the trash every few days. So far it's been worth the $25. And with Jeff's reaction the first time I handed him the smell-free bag of diapers (and I quote "Holy *$!^ bag), it's a keeper.
May 28, 2010 I guess it's pretty exhausting to look adorable for your first photo shoot. I mean, laying around smiling for the camera is pretty hard work. Even Pearl crashed for a three hour nap afterward and she only posed for one picture! Check out a few of Cole's pictures here.
We've been spoiled, way more than we EVER deserve. The Relief Society really came through this time, bringing in three delicious meals... soup, steak, veggies, desserts, salads, chicken parmesan, and homemade rolls (Jeff's only request). I've been humbled by everyone's generosity and willingness to cook for us. Of course it still took me a week to get everything washed and back to the original owners. Even Jeff commented after getting stuffed with a steak dinner complete with potatoes, dessert, green beans, and rolls that he just might let me have another kid if we'd get fed like this again. And that's saying a lot!
May 26, 2010 Most kids like to bake cookies but Pearl prefers to spend her time in the kitchen making soup. I'm not really sure why, maybe it's because she watched Ratatouille one too many times (which is where she picked up her "You the chef and I'm the cook" line) or because she likes to live on the edge and try and grab the vegetables form the cutting board as you're cutting them. Whatever the reason, this kid loves to make a big pot of soup! Luckily Grandma has been around the last two times we've busted out the soup pot and Pearl has been more than happy to assist and tell us how to make soup the correct way. Now if we could only get her to actually eat what she makes.
Babies can sure make you feel guilty for not immediately whipping out a boob when they decide it's time to eat. They start squawking and squealing then give you the pouty lip and single tear rolling down their cheek. It's cute but then the "oh I'm starving my baby" feeling sets in and mother's instinct kicks into high gear. Luckily I've had a round of practice and know they won't starve to death in 2.5 seconds if you aren't there the instant their first cry is heard. Cole isn't much of a screamer but he can sure grunt loud when he wants something. My mom thought it was funny how hard he was sucking on his binky and how he had his hands right up there to make sure it didn't fall out while I was dawdling around. But I was just worried that all that sucking was coming my way next!
I am in love. Even with Cole's "water skis" as Jeff calls his feet. He's slowing growing into them but when he was born we couldn't get over how long his feet were. That and his monkey-like, creepy toes just like his Dad. I'll bet $100 that kid will be typing with his toes before long or picking up toys with them... I know Jeff can!
We gave Cole his first sponge bath at home today. He squealed just like he did in the hospital (so I was told by Jeff). The only thing that calmed him down was a warm froggie towel, a binky, and knowing as soon as he got jammies on he was getting fed. Hopefully he likes taking baths once we can give him a real bath. It's one of my favorite parts of the day - watching Jeff give our kids a bath with him in the tub.
I'm going to try this whole 365 thing again. I almost made it... had I not been puking for 6 months straight I would have finished my daily documentation of our lives. But with an adorable excuse to get me taking pictures again, I figured I'd try, try, try again!
My other blog
As if one blog wasn't enough, you can see what else we've been up to on our family blog: http://jeffandkay.blogspot.com.