I'm pretty sure Cole and I were the sole reason the Aggies kicked BYU's butts tonight (31-16), since it was Cole's first USU game and my first football game in at least nine years! Never mind the fact that the zoobies sucked it up and the Aggies simply dominated in the first half. Or so I was told. Cole and I were an hour late to the game... something about having to work on a Friday afternoon, Pearl having a 103+ fever and refusing to accept that she couldn't go to the game, running to Walmart to find her some medicine, a treat, and Cole some diaper rash ointment (yes, it's been that fun around here lately), trying to force Pearl to drink her medicine to which she refused, feeding Cole, then turning around and going back to Jeff's parent's because I forgot his warm clothes (just in case).
But we made it - decked out in Aggie gear (even if the jacket was WAY too big still) and excited for a victory. I've never seen Jeff so happy... pumping Cole up and down 24 times when the Aggies scored a touchdown. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, around us was oohing and ahhing at Cole the entire game. He is a stud.
And the game was E.P.I.C. I just might let Jeff buy me a season ticket next year after all.
You are brave hauling a baby to football. We quit going when Coop was a baby and I realized that I couldn't keep him warm enough in the sub zero temps!