These two here elastic-gun slaying cowpokes are the "rootinest-tootinest cowboys in the wild, wild west." At least according to the little lady.
I'm not sure Heavenly Father cares about Halloween or what costume a kid wants. But he does care about a mom who's on her last straw. The way it's been going the past couple of weeks, I thought a three-year-old's persistent pleas to find a Jessie the Cowgirl costume from Toy Story might have done me in. Pearl's finally at the age where she gets holidays. And there was no use trying to talk her into wearing a princess dress we already have. Hence, the whisperings of the Spirit which probably saved me from having a nervous breakdown and Pearl a lifetime of disappointment come Halloween. I had this quick thought as we were driving home to stop by a Halloween store, just in case they had anything that I could convince Pearl would work for a cowgirl costume. Heaven smiled down upon us! We walked in and BINGO! An authentic Jessie the Cowgirl costume just like Pearl wanted. She was giddy and doing a little jive in the dressing room as we tried it on. I was giddy that it didn't cost a small fortune... much cheaper than anywhere I'd seen online.
What I didn't know would come with this costume was three welt marks on my rear end from being stalked while giving Cole a bath. Luckily Pearl giggled as she and her dad sneaked up behind me which gave me a few seconds to brace myself for impact from the shower of elastics aimed at my dairy-air. I'm telling ya, these here cowpokes better watch out because I have my own arsenal of weapons!
Very cute! Where did you get this bargin of a costume?
ReplyDeleteHaha, that is so fun! I love Pearl, I wish she didn't hate my guts. :(
ReplyDeleteShe makes an adorable Jessi the cowgirl.
We said "stick'um up"