This afternoon I was reminded why I still work. This book.
It's the third year I've been able to work on it and it never gets any easier. The families who share their story of losing a teenager in a motor vehicle crash are amazing. Their courage is humbling. Their stories are heart breaking.
Every year there are a couple of families that just touch my heart. The first year it was Keifer and Shelbie. I was finally able to meet Shelbie's parents at our remembrance event last week. I was in tears. The second year it was Kristin and Xander. And this year it was Jake. Jake's dad was my little brother's teacher in elementary school. Jake played soccer for the Sky View Bobcats. He was killed on the highway in Hyde Park... the same intersection that I drove through nearly every day going to school. It hit home, again. Every time I do something stupid in the car I see their faces. I hear their parents pleas to other drivers in the hope that no one will ever suffer the pain and loss they have. I will never forget them.
So, please I'm asking each of you to read their stories and learn from them. Cherish every moment with your kids. Because all too often, you don't get to say goodbye.
I knew Jake, and his older brother was my age. It's heartbreaking.