I don't get. I enter Cole into a beautiful baby contest and we lose. Jeff enters a picture of Cole into a contest and wins two tickets to the USU Homecoming football game this weekend. Granted, we'd have been there anyway (ok, so just Jeff would have been at the game) but still!
So we drove up and saw the last 20 minutes of the parade... snagging a handful of tootsie rolls and a bag of Aggie squeaky cheese from the Food Science float. Hit lunch with my parents and brother and then went to the game. We got ourselves Big Blue tattoos and stopped by the new Merlin J. Olsen statue. Then Pearl, Cole, and I sat through the first half of the game before high-tailing it out of there just as the clouds erupted. Jeff didn't make it out so lucky. He actually called me to come and pick him up EARLY because he was quite literally soaked to the bone. And he wonders why I'm not sold on getting two season tickets to the football games yet.
It was hard to pick a single picture for today's events but this one made me smile for three reasons. One, because Pearl still has her tattoo on. Yes, we let her go to church with it on her face. And yes, she proudly told everyone who Big Blue was. Two, because Pearl was so excited to see Big Blue... that is until she actually saw him. Three, because she asked her Dad to make her a True Aggie! She happened to over hear us talking about becoming true Aggies (yes, we both are) and was super excited about the whole idea. Pearl didn't get why that wouldn't work... I think it's still creeping Jeff out a little... but it was hilarious!
Pearl is the funniest child of all time.