You know those "boo-ed" things where you get a goodie plate left on your doorstep with a paper ghost attached saying you now have to "boo" someone else with a treat? Well, Jeff's coworkers do this every year and he got "boo-ed". He thought it would be fun for me to try out at my building and was nice enough to even make me treat bags.
So I enlisted Pearl's help. Mostly to keep her from asking me one more time if she could eat the candy. I told her we were going to be sneaky and leave a treat on someone's chair at mommy's work. She didn't really get the whole idea but had fun coloring the ghosts and then whispering (as loud as a 3-year-old does) up and down the cubicle maze our plans to be sneaky. I'm sure it won't be hard to figure out that it was us, especially considering we weren't that sneaky and one of my friends we "boo-ed" has kids in the daycare with Pearl and there are NO secrets there. Of course me posting it on my blog might be the final giveaway but hey, it was fun and I'm excited to see just how far this goes!
We got boo-ed. When we went to deliver the goodies to the next house, M totally sprained his ankle. Lesson: don't go doorbell ditching in the dark unless you have a really good escape planned mapped out ahead of time.