One of the hazards of picking Pearl up from daycare is her constant pleading to either go see Missi, our secretary who has a candy dish stocked and ready for Pearl's sweet tooth, or to go to the cafeteria for a treat. I try hard to tell Pearl she needs to pick a healthy treat but seeing as how our healthy choices are pretty limited, the best I can hope for is that she'll ration half of her treat for another day. Pearl loves, loves, loves going to the cafeteria together! I wish I could describe how she says cafeteria because her little voice and pronunciation is so stinkin' cute. Today's choice was a bag of Cheetos. I hate it when she picks Cheetos because inevitably something in the truck turns orange. When we got home though, Pearl proudly declared that she had sucked all the orange off her fingers... and guess, what? She really did. I was impressed. Then she said she wanted to save some of her Cheetos for tomorrow. Yeah! But the funniest part about this decision was where she saved them. I walked into the kitchen to find a bag of Cheetos hung from the refrigerator with a magnetic chip clip. Pretty ingenious and pretty funny! That kid never ceases to amaze me with the things she comes up with.
I see all my efforts at ensuring healthy options at that place have been for naught! :(