I'm beginning to wonder if Cole will have a serious identity crisis when he's older... all because of that hair.
That floppy mop of his needed SERIOUS help. It was getting so long that it was starting to look like a bad comb over instead of his signature "surfer dude" look. So we headed to Cookie Cutters for a trim. TRIM, I said. I like it long on top, short on the sides. Not, I repeat, NOT a buzz cut! Honestly! When I told the girl I wanted it long, like a long fohawk, I didn't expect to see her start whacking it all off. It's about as long as it was when he was born and drastically shorter than his signature do. Pearl's hair on the other hand was left a lot longer than I had wanted. Apparently she got my kids mixed up during the whole process. Granted Cole was screaming bloody murder because 15 minutes prior he had gotten five shots at his well child appointment but still. Now I've got to answer to everyone's questioning as to why we cut his hair. Seriously, for the past three days I've done nothing but repeat the following to everyone at church, work, and daycare... it's getting old.
"Yes, we cut his hair."
"Yes, I know it's short."
"No, it's not his first hair cut."
"And yes, I know he looks just like Jeff."
Ok so maybe the truth is, I'm the one having the identity crisis.
You're having some kind of crisis....shots and haircuts the same day? Are you insane?!? :)