Apparently we partied too hard yesterday because this morning I woke up sick. Nauseous... NO I AM NOT PREGNANT... lightheaded, and achy... I mean bone achy, ouching, horrible hurting. Not to mention the pounding headache all day and did I mention the feeling that I could puke at any second? So the care of my two children while I slept all day long, minus getting up to nurse Cole, was left to Jeff. He did amazing. No one fought, yelled, or had to go to timeout (we won't mention the timeouts prior to church). Cole ate cereal like a champ and was happy as could be playing with Dad all day. Everyone was happy, played nicely together, and Jeff even made dinner for Monday. Things ran MUCH smoother than when I'm around.
I think I just might be sick more often.
You better get well soon, or I'll have Brenda stop by and DRAG YOU to GNO on Friday!