My good friend Libbey, she's more like an angel on earth, invited us to the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum today. I was a bit hesitant since we've been sick the past week and she's got a new baby but Jeff told me this morning on his way out the door "to go and do something fun with Pearl." So we did. Pearl had a great time running around from the construction zone to the house to the grocery store and farm. But her favorite by far was the bird nest. She even convinced me to put Cole in there with her... which lasted about 3.5 seconds before she decided to run off without him. Thank heavens chaos reigns supreme in that place because there was no way Cole and I could keep up with her and Libbey's boy Jacob. I must admit I was a bit perplexed by all the moms there decked out in their finest attire and makeup. I kept thinking, man I am THE frumpiest mom in this entire place! Seriously, is that what SAHMs do? Get all dolled up to go out of the house. I guess since I dress up to go to work, Fridays are my dress down days. But no matter, Pearl had fun, got her wiggles out, and came home tired enough to actually take a nap!
LOVE that place, but I've learned to only go there with one kid at a time!