With a stack of Christmas boxes almost to the ceiling, you'd think I'd have gotten more out than just the nativity. But it was all I could squeeze in with piles of laundry to do before heading to Logan for a basketball game.
My nativity is always the first thing that goes up each year. I love it. My Mom and Dad gave it to me for Christmas one year and my Dad even made the stable for it. Jeff dubs it the "garage." I just need the goat and the set is complete... hint hint! Pearl was very excited to see the nativity and wanted to play with all the animals and the "baby's mommy." And as he does every year, Jeff reminds me that everyone, including the animals, went to see the baby Jesus... NOT us. We battle back and forth turning all the animals, wise men, and shepards towards Jesus (Jeff) and then facing outwards so they look nice (me). Before I had even set one thing up he was telling Pearl how important it was that all the sheep be able to see the baby Jesus.
Well, you know what? After eight years I finally gave in, or more likely I get it. After all, He is the reason for the season.
I have a couple nativities, and all my guys/animals do the half and half. Half turned in, but half turned out....it's the best of both worlds!