Cole starting fussing about 11 pm tonight so Jeff went in to see what was wrong. The next thing I know he's running out of his room, headed straight for the bathroom. Then the smell hit.
Barf and lots of it.
Jeff took the 11 pm - 2 am shift then it was mine turn. I always feel so helpless when my babies get a stomach bug. And this one had made the rounds through the daycare so I know he got it there. Yet another reason why working sucks sometimes. Cole was a trooper though. He only cried after he would throw up... too bad the barf bucket doesn't do much good at this age, although I tried aiming him towards it to save on laundry the next day.
Oh and update on the puking... Cole was good enough to make it to Thanksgiving dinner (thank goodness because it's the day Jeff looks forward to the most each year) but then I got whatever was bugging him and was up all Thanksgiving night sick. So much for helping Santa out with some 4 am Black Friday shopping.
Yeah...your baby gave it to Nick too. He's been sick for two days. Thanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteWith babies I bag the bucket and go straight for the tile and towels! Hope you are all feeling better now.