I should probably be more embarrassed about this picture than I really am. Yes, those are breast pads. It was another long day... and if you've ever nursed a child you know what I mean.
Again I should probably be more embarrassed by what I'm about to divulge but here goes. I'm overly blessed with milk (not breasts, just milk) when I'm nursing. I could probably feed an entire starving village if need be. With Pearl I was stupid. I pumped after most feedings thinking I was losing my milk supply but was only making the problem worse. So with Cole I got smart and decided to only pump if I couldn't stand it anymore. It's been much, much better. Well, I hadn't leaked very much in weeks so I decided to not wear the big nursing pads today, that could probably absorb a gallon of milk if they had to, but instead opted for these more dainty, washable ones. Bad choice. Cole wasn't in the mood to eat at all. Probably because he was distracted and had a headache from the other screaming children in the daycare today. I know I was!
A side note quickly... a girl I work with (Alex's mom and breastfeeding advocate) had asked a bunch of us nursing moms to help out with a photojournalism project with the Utah Breastfeeding Coalition this afternoon. Well, I can't turn down a friend and good cause - especially because I'm all for women having enjoyable experiences breastfeeding - so Cole and I modeled, if you will, during one of his feedings. Don't worry Jeff! No skin was showing and the photographer was more excited to take pictures of Cole's hair than my boobs.
Anywho, most of the day I was DYING! And leaking everywhere. The pads were soaked. So on my way to pick up Pearl from my sister's (she got to go to the zoo with Aunt Kimmy and cousin Ruby today), I attempted to dry them out. At a stop light I looked down to actually see what I had done and laughed hysterically. They looked so funny sitting there staring back at me like giant, white eyes. And that's when I realized that cranking up the AC to dry them out was the second dumb decision I had made today with my nursing pads.
Love it, love it!