You know our country has a serious problem with food when your pediatrician tells you they've got new feeding guidelines in an effort to combat infant obesity. Seriously, at four months?
With Pearl we were told to start out alternating rice and oatmeal cereal, then add in yellow veggies and fruits every 3-4 days. Followed by the green veggies and then the nasty meat stuff. No eggs until after 9 months and juice was ok in limited quantities after about a year. Well, with Cole we've been told no rice or oatmeal cereal at all. The focus is on protein instead of carbohydrates so we're eating whole wheat cereals. And instead of veggies and fruits, he gets to eat chicken/turkey, beef, and pork. Yuck... the grossest smelling baby food out there. Cole is going to be a "meat and potatoes" man right from the beginning. There's also loads of new research saying to avoid allergies, you feed babies egg proteins (noodles, pasta) before six months of age. You also can advance through yellow veggies, fruits, and green veggies quickly - no need to separate every 3-4 days. And as for the juice? No juice until age two. This might be a hard one for us, especially if Cole continues to emulate his big sister when it comes to NOT taking a bottle. Pearl would only take apple juice (from a sippy cup no less)... no formula, no breast milk, no cow's milk... just apple juice. I remember going on a business trip for a few days and Jeff said it was the only liquid she had the whole time I was gone.
So today we had our first try with chicken baby food and cereal. I think you can tell from Cole's reaction how well it went.
Introducing foods is horrible at first....no matter how yummy or gross it is!
ReplyDeleteThat is a huge change even from when Jason was a baby! Good Luck, hopefully he begins liking it soon!
ReplyDeleteReally?!?! I wasn't told any of this for Mason! I was told to start him at 6 mo. And we did do the Rice cereal and oatmeal. Now he is eating a lot of veggies. He doesn't like the fruit as much, but I try to get that in there. He mostly likes his asparagus and zucchini with his rice cereal. Can't believe I am doing it all wrong already.....