Cole had his four month check up today, which meant shots. Four shots at four months. Poor little guy. Needless to say he was pretty unhappy for the rest of the day and didn't smile, talk, or play until we went into Pearl's room to read stories and say goodnight. I have no clue what she did that was so funny but she had him rolling with giggles for a good 10 minutes. I figured it was pointless to keep reading because these two were lost in their own little world. It's amazing to me that Cole finds his big sister so intriguing, well most of the time. He has tried to punch her a couple of times and squawked at her when she ticked him off. But here's hoping they stay friends forever.
And for everyone who keeps asking how much Cole weighs (I must be the only mother in the world who has no clue how big her baby is other than knowing his rolls keep growing), here's the four month stats:
Weight: 15 lbs. 14 oz (66%)
Height: 25 1/2 inches (67%)
Head circumference: 41.4 cm. (24%)
And the doctor said he is a solid month ahead of other babies his age in terms of motor development, physical milestones (like rolling over, standing up, sitting, holding his head up), and muscle strength. And he laughed that "that double chin means he's healthy!" Now if we can just keep it that way all through the cold and flu season!
Good luck on that 'staying friends' thing! If C is like my boys, he'll LIVE to torture his sibling(s)! :(