6:30 am - Feed Cole, go back to bed.
8:30 am - Wake up for real this time with sore throat and exhaustion from getting home late, feed Pearl, shower, put in load #1 of laundry.
9:30 - Wake Cole up. He really is my best friend... he loves sleeping in! Feed Cole, change Cole, play with Cole, feed Pearl again, get dressed, put on makeup, write grocery list, fold load #1 of laundry, put in laundry load #2.
11:30 am - Go to the pharmacy and head over to the grocery store.
12:30 pm - Unload groceries and children while trying to decide who to feed first... Cole or Pearl.
12:45 pm - Feed Pearl and listen to Cole scream.
1:30 pm - Feed Cole, put in laundry load #3, fold laundry load #2.
2:00 pm - Pack up the stroller and head to the park. (Pearl also had to take along her "kids" in her baby stroller... two bunny rabbits and a unicorn). Watch in amazement as Cole talks to the trees, squeals with delight to be outside, and looks as adorable as ever. Push Pearl and her kid "Corver" (apparently all her stuffed animals were named Corver today) on the swings.
3:30 pm - Find Pearl a snack and give in to her repeated pleas for a pink lemonade. Take load #3 out of the dryer, put in laundry load #4, feed Cole, and watch Pearl build a "water park" out of the couch cushions.
4:30ish - Finally get to pee, put laundry load #5 in, fold loads #3 and #4.
5:00 pm - Fix dinner, listen to Cole scream for attention, help Pearl mix up a plum crisp for dessert, and wonder when hubby will be home.
6:00 pm - Give up on hubby coming home for dinner, feed Pearl, stack dishes in sink... it's a mess.
6:30 pm - Visit the neighbors and wait for hubby to come home.
7:00 pm - Feed Cole.
8:00 pm - Begin bedtime routine... baths, brushing teeth, feeding Cole. Pick up remaining toys in living room and fold laundry load #5.
9:00 pm - Work on Pearl's Christmas stocking since hubby is on the computer. Treat myself to plum crisp and wonder why I even bothered making a nice dinner and dessert since no one ate it or said thanks.
10:30 pm - Against my better judgment, upload pictures from the past week and blog. Think about making lunches but then decide not to (bad idea). Shower, brush teeth, and dread waking up in the morning.
12:30 am - Wake up to strange noise. Check back door to make sure it's locked. Check on both kids to make sure they are still breathing. Try to fall asleep but then hear thunder and lightning... silently freak out because I hate storms. Worry about canning all those tomatoes on the counter and finding time to go to Costco before all of our coupons expire. Wonder if there was any important meetings I missed at work today and how many emails I'll have in the morning. Roll over and finally fall asleep.
How is it possible that I felt under-appreciated after all this?
Appreciation? What is THAT?
ReplyDeleteI would have said thanks for dinner...
ReplyDeleteI might of - if I was home for it...
ReplyDeleteNobody said thanks for the cray long day I had. Just sayin.