Pearl wanted pancakes for breakfast every day at Bear Lake. Every, single day. I myself am not a huge pancake fan so these are a special treat when we go on vacation somewhere. On day one she almost didn't get her wish... we couldn't get the propane tanks to fire up in the trailer. But Jeff saved the day. On day two we had no glitches in satisfying Pearl's pancake cravings. Breakfast was made even more exciting when Grandpa made tiny, Pearl-sized pancakes just for her. She ate about 20 of them. I thought for sure we'd have something else for breakfast on day three because we had used, what I thought was all, the pancake mix the day before. But Grandma saved the day and found some mix. And Pearl ate another 20 or so of these little pancakes. I guess she got her fill of them because she hasn't asked for them since. Either that or she knows her mean mom won't get up early and make them.
Cute! Love the bite-size idea. We'll have to try them this weekend. :)