In my feeble attempt to have a real FHE tonight, we broke out the chore chart. For months I've been telling myself to make a chore chart for Pearl... you know, to teach her responsibility and that everyone has to help around the house... but I just never got around to it. Well, thanks to Target for having an awesome, kid-friendly clearance section, I was able to buy this bad boy for a buck. Yep, one whole dollar! Of course that dollar came with about 20 minutes of screaming because I wouldn't let Pearl just scribble all over the board, only to erase it again, and then demand more stickers. I guess I can't blame her. Her parents do have some pretty high expectations for a three-year-old. I mean, being nice (aka, saying nice words and listening)? That's got to take some effort to get a sticker! Let's just say the first few days she didn't get too many stickers but now that she's got the hang of it and realizes the more stickers she gets the more likely she is to get a reward, she is a fantastic help at picking up her toys and clothes, helping get Cole ready in the morning, brushing her teeth and combing her hair, and making her bed. We're still working on saying our bedtime prayers and being nice though. But at least it's working!
And I'm curious, because growing up I never had designated chores or an allowance, what do you do to teach your kids responsibility around the house?
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