We dropped by Jeff's office today on our way home from work... well, technically it's not on the way home. I was actually headed to Carter's to get some new clothes for my growing kids. But once Pearl saw Daddy's office, we had to stop. She gets so excited about office life. She likes my office because I have markers and one of my co-workers has a candy dish (ok, so that's the REAL reason why she likes to come up to my office). She likes Jeff's office for one thing only - the ten key machine. In her mind, it's a little computer just her size but with a bonus feature... paper that comes out at the touch of a button. Today the paper was money, which she generously gave to Jeff's boss (at least she's got that right with accountants). So when our neighbors heard how much she loves ten key machines, they dug one out of their office and gave it to Pearl. Saying she was thrilled beyond belief is an understatement. What wasn't so thrilling was the hysteria that ensued when she ran out of paper the next day.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. And screaming kids who have run out of batteries and paper.