In honor of Jeff's 32nd birthday, here are 32 reasons why I love this man!
1. He married me!
2. He puts up with my lack of wifely skills... like cooking and ironing just to name a few.
3. He supported me through a four-year Masters degree program.
4. He stayed with me through two pregnancies despite months of puke breath, crying, and buying expensive meds!
5. He makes scrumptiously cute kids!
6. He makes me laugh every day, even when I'm ticked off at him!
7. He is the biggest Aggie fan I've ever seen.
8. He loves shoes.
9. He gives our kids a bath every night.
10. He's my best friend (ok so this is Pearl's reason since she doesn't think it possible that Jeff could also be my best friend).
11. He is a really hard worker.
12. Despite what he says, he really does enjoy being around people.
13. He is the spender... which makes me the saver (ironic since he is an accountant).
14. He read me and my roommate the first book in the Harry Potter series when we were dating.
15. He always does the right thing for our family, even if he doesn't want to.
16. He goes grocery shopping... I hate it.
17. He is a fantastic cook.
18. He takes good care of all of his possessions - to the point that I beg him to donate his high school shirts to charity!
19. He is a loyal friend.
20. He gives beautiful blessings and prayers.
21. He packs everything when we go camping.
22. He moved my cedar chest an obscene amount of times and despite the curses at me each time, he still did it.
23. He always remembers my birthday and our anniversary.
24. He takes care of all the bills.
25. He mows the lawn every Thursday.
26. He is a creature of habit... although at times this drives me bonkers!
27. He is a really good kisser.
28. He tells me no.
29. He is a really good dad and is involved in our kids' lives.
30. He buys me flowers every Presidents Day.
31. He expects people to be their best.
32. He loves me, Pearl, and Cole.
What a guy!