We headed down to Orangeville for my Peacock Family reunion today. Every year we have an auction to help pay for the next year's reunion expenses. And every year I have to outbid my relatives to get some of my grandpa's handmade items. It's the only way I can get them because he gives them away to everybody! This year he made 47 tops to give to all the kids. We must have learned our lesson last year with the rubber band guns and the tears of several little boys (and girls) who didn't get one, even with bids of "all my money!" being shouted because this year no one had to bid on them... just scramble to grab one out of the box. It was total chaos for about 10 seconds until all the tops were spoken for. When I realized there was no way our kids stood a chance pushing their way in the crowd to get theirs, I leaned over to Jeff and told him to grab one. But Jeff is smarter than I give him credit for.... he held up a top marked with a triple X (code for good spinner) and just smiled.
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