I know Cole's eyes are closed in this picture but I still think he looks so cute. But don't let that little grin fool you. Cole did not enjoy the beach on what's become dubbed the "best Bear Lake trip ever!" by Jeff (see here for reason why). Unless he was eating, he was not happy to be soaking up rays, playing in the sand, or splashing in the water. Which is funny because out of the four of us, he looks the most like he belongs on a beach with all that blonde, surfer dude hair. So Cole and I sat under the umbrellas while he ate and ate and ate. And once again, I went home from Bear Lake just as white as before. Here's hoping next year we can't keep this kid away from the beach and I get a better chance to work on my tan.
Oh, and today Cole hit the two-month mark!
Think of all the skin cancer you AREN'T developing. hee hee!