No thanks to Toy Story 3 (which Jeff so kindly took us to on HIS birthday), we are now marking Pearl's height on the walls. I really don't remember the actual scene in the movie where this occurred, as I was probably out in the hallway trying to keep Cole from screaming, but apparently Pearl did. She was jabbering to me about some line, yellow crayon in hand, all day before it finally dawned on me what she was wanting us to do. So we finally gave in and marked her height on the doorway of her bedroom. I'm not sure how tall she actually is, considering our floors are crocked, or how long this will actually last before she scribbles all over it (knowing our luck in permanent marker). It's amazing how impressionable kids are!
We mark the kids height (with marker) and handprint (with paint) every New Years Day, but we do it on the drywall in the furnace room. That way, if we ever move, we can unscrew it from the wall and take it with us!