Say hello to our new friend and next door neighbor, Trevin, born almost two months to the date after Cole. Not only have we now doubled our primary with the addition of these two, but Cole will now have a friend his age right next door to play with... even if he was pretty unhappy to meet him for the first time this afternoon. Trevin really is a miracle baby after one long, rough year. Everyone knows a family like our neighbors, where they get slammed with one trial after another, reminding you to be grateful you have your own problems and not someone else's! So when the Relief Society asked me to take them dinner tonight (much to Tiff's insistence that I don't do this), I couldn't say no. They are good friends who need a few breaks and if my horrible cooking will help lighten their burdens just a little, I am happy to help. And hey, Jeff came home to a hot meal complete with a main entree, side dish, and dessert. It's a good thing our ward has mostly geezers in it because I'm not sure I could muster up another full course meal like this again.
Hopefully Cole develops a few social skills before kindergarten! :) And hopefully you didn't kill your poor neighbors with your cooking!!! hee hee