I love my grandma. But she has a serious problem. She is a hoarder. The woman can't part with anything... newspaper clippings (it's her hobby), elastics, those plastic twisty ties, various food containers, zip lock baggies, etc, etc, etc. And her compulsion to keep everything spills over to every property they own, including the their property at Bear Lake. So when I saw my dad replacing some of her clothes pins I just had to snap a picture. It's just so grandma to still keep these things around. After 30 years of use holding towels, swimming suits, and a few pairs of undies you'd think these things would be falling completely apart. But these babies have weathered many a storm and from the look of their springs in comparison to the ones my dad was putting up, they could probably hold up another 30 years. Apparently today's clothes pin is a cheap version of yesteryear's. I made my dad hang them back up after I took a picture not just for sentimental sake but because if my grandma finds out he threw away some perfectly good stuff, she just might heart attack.
My grandma is the same way. We finally forced her to have a garage sale and the FIRST things that flew out the door were her collection of plastic butter/cottage cheese/sour cream containers. Weird.