Today was a rough day. Maybe it's because we usually high tail it out of town for the 24th because the entire city descends on the park for their annual Handcart Days celebration. I don't get the rush of excitement the "locals" have for this thing... maybe you have to grow up with it or live somewhere far away where the trash from the celebrations doesn't collect in your driveway or where traffic doesn't block your driveway for that matter. Or maybe it was because I had great intentions of cleaning, shopping (since I have about three shirts that fit me now... urghhhh another reason why today sucked), and playing with the family since Jeff had the day off. Instead, I stayed at home with a fussy, clingy, and unhappy baby. Everything is still covered in dust, the house stinks, the floor is sticky, and the laundry didn't get done. Meanwhile, Jeff and Pearl went on a daddy/daughter date to the movie, lunch, and then a long nap together (jealous, yes I was!). Sensing my need to get out of the house after all my accomplishments today (ha!), Jeff took us over to the park to see what games and food we could find. Pearl had a great time on the "roller coasters" and spending all her Dad's money on sno cones, cotton candy, and popsicles, none of which she ended up eating. Cole was fairly content to sit in the stroller and ending up falling asleep - FINALLY - for a nap. But the highlight of the evening came when Jeff told me he saw two of the volunteers walking over to pick up the trash on our driveway and sidewalk. The first time in six years we have ever seen this happen. I guess today wasn't so bad after all.
Sno cones, cotton candy, AND popsicles?!? You guys are WAY nicer parents than me! :)