Anyone who has taken kids to the grocery store knows what a fun adventure that can be, especially if your kid is like Pearl and insists on riding in one of those monstrous car carts that are a royal pain-in-the-you-know-what to push around and covered in who knows what kind ofgerms. And as is typical, five minutes into the shopping trip Pearl decides she doesn't want to stay put in them. I had no idea though that this battle would pale in comparison to taking her to the grocery store once she discovered some stores have kid carts to push around. And she remembers exactly which stores have them... stores that are not our typical stomping grounds when it comes to groceries. The first time I took her to our normal grocery store she screamed and screamed at me to go to the "other store with the carts." It was fun dragging a screaming toddler around along with her screaming brother.
But I didn't get a college education for nothing. The few remaining brain cells left in me sparked a brilliant idea that has made grocery shopping with Pearl actually enjoyable. Sometimes a bit more expensive than originally anticipated but enjoyable nonetheless. I pack her own midget-sized grocery cart to push around. Sure it's not as sturdy as the ones the "other store" provides but Pearl doesn't care. She happily pushes that thing up and down every isle jabbering about what she needs to buy. And until today, she's only tried to sneak in healthy treats like grapes and bananas. Apparently she saw a good deal on Oreos and Doritos because the next thing I know Pearl is shouting at me from the opposite end of the isle that we need cookies. She was so proud of herself for getting them off the display shelf and putting them in her cart that I didn't have the heart to tell her to put them back. When we got to the checkout line she nearly had a conniption fit when the bagger didn't immediately put them back in her cart. I had to grab them myself and stick them in her cart to calm her down. Of course I am now regretting my decision... as I've eaten almost the entire bag of Oreos. I guess next time I will be handing Pearl a list of stuff we actually need to keep her from sneaking in anymore treats.
A good idea I've heard is to give your kids a shopping list made up of pictures (picture of bananas, grapes, bread, etc.) Then they can look for the item since they can't read yet. Of course, I've never tried this, since I'd rather grocery shop at 2 a.m. than drag three boys to the store with me. :)