I know this picture sucks. But I only had our old crappy camera, the one that doesn't take pictures fast enough if you have kids. I knew everyone would think I was nuts or the world's meanest mom had I brought our good camera for today's events. And I don't want all my pictures to be of Cole... Pearl might get jealous someday and think we never did anything with her.
But this afternoon was all about her. She had her dentist appointment. After the last fiasco at the doctor's I asked Jeff to come along for the experience. And since this is her third time going, I knew what we were in for and needed his support. The second they called her name she started screaming. And if you thought shots were bad, multiple the sheer terror and screams by about 50. I couldn't believe they were actually able to get some x-rays of her little teeth (super cute and way interesting to see her permanent teeth under them). But we couldn't convince her to sit in the chair to get her teeth cleaned. So, being the mean, feeling-less (is that a word?) mom I am, I held her down and pried open her mouth so they could try and clean them. All while silently praying she didn't bite anyone. You'd never know we had the sweetest pediatric dentist you could find with all of Pearl's screams. At least she was able to poke a few of her teeth this time and give us a clean bill of health for another six months.
At this point, with all her movies in time out for the fit she threw, we figured what the hay, we might as well drag this out and go get the truck washed and waxed. Jeff spent his entire gift card he got for Father's Day at the car wash place. A little steep but he was sure happy knowing he wouldn't have to spend an entire day waxing the truck. Pearl threw fit numero dos as we were leaving because she was having so much fun in their kids' area. It was a pretty cool set up to see what was going on... guess that's why it cost $50. And the truck looked brand spankin' new when it was finished!
Fit #3 came this evening, at David and Vickie's house. She had been bugging her Jeff all through the one show he likes to watch during the week - Friday Night Lights - then dropped her Popsicle on him, was climbing all over him and squashing him in the wrong spot if you catch my drift, and the last straw was sticking her tongue out and spitting. It wasn't pretty. But she was in bed before 9!
You are so nice. My kids are in bed before 9, even if they are acting nicely! :)