Jeff uses the term "zero fun" quite a bit around here. Like when he's threatening Pearl as she's throwing a fit... "we'll have ZERO fun if you don't stop crying." It's sort of become a joke now that he's zero fun! Well tonight, after a long hard day at the office (if you consider the "office" to be a green with a tee time), Jeff treated us to one of his zero fun adventures at the pool. Living right by the community pool is great and all except for the fact that every day Pearl looks out the window and can see if people are there then proceeds to ask if we can go. She was pumped to finally have us say yes to her pleadings tonight. While Jeff and Pearl played in the pool - the swimming lessons paid off because Jeff could actually sit and lounge in the water while Pearl happily splashed and dunked her head - Cole and I relaxed on the lounge chairs. Well, Cole ate practically the whole time we were there but at least he was a happy camper. Then he proceeded to use his surfer dude looks to attract the babes. And if zero fun at the pool wasn't enough, Jeff treated us all to ice cream afterward. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd take a zero fun day like this any time!
If that is zero fun, then we're in the negative numbers out here!