A few months ago Jeff made a new Jib-Jab movie featuring all of us as Star Wars characters. Pearl thought it was hilarious and way cool since she was Princess Leia (yes, I had to google how to spell that). But she'd never seen the actual Star Wars movies. When she discovered there were three of them in our very entertainment center she went bonkers! Days and days of begging her dad to let her watch them, and telling him over and over that she wasn't scared of them, and we finally gave in. We figured "The Return of the Jedi" was the safest one to watch because it has the ewoks in it, which couldn't be that scary. She loved it. Then we found a lightsaber and things got even more exciting. She still has yet to watch any of the other episodes but for a girly-girl, it's a relief knowing we can watch something else besides princess movies.
I don't let my kids watch Star Wars, but that hasn't stopped them from knowing everything there is to know about the movies. I don't know how they do it. And we've got no less than seven light sabers here, so come on over for a play date! :)
ReplyDeleteHilarious! I will admit my boys have all seen the Star Wars movies (except the really scary one, I think it's pg13 anyway). I love that she loves her light saber! fabulous!