July 30, 2010 I know this picture sucks. But I only had our old crappy camera, the one that doesn't take pictures fast enough if you have kids. I knew everyone would think I was nuts or the world's meanest mom had I brought our good camera for today's events. And I don't want all my pictures to be of Cole... Pearl might get jealous someday and think we never did anything with her.
But this afternoon was all about her. She had her dentist appointment. After the last fiasco at the doctor's I asked Jeff to come along for the experience. And since this is her third time going, I knew what we were in for and needed his support. The second they called her name she started screaming. And if you thought shots were bad, multiple the sheer terror and screams by about 50. I couldn't believe they were actually able to get some x-rays of her little teeth (super cute and way interesting to see her permanent teeth under them). But we couldn't convince her to sit in the chair to get her teeth cleaned. So, being the mean, feeling-less (is that a word?) mom I am, I held her down and pried open her mouth so they could try and clean them. All while silently praying she didn't bite anyone. You'd never know we had the sweetest pediatric dentist you could find with all of Pearl's screams. At least she was able to poke a few of her teeth this time and give us a clean bill of health for another six months.
At this point, with all her movies in time out for the fit she threw, we figured what the hay, we might as well drag this out and go get the truck washed and waxed. Jeff spent his entire gift card he got for Father's Day at the car wash place. A little steep but he was sure happy knowing he wouldn't have to spend an entire day waxing the truck. Pearl threw fit numero dos as we were leaving because she was having so much fun in their kids' area. It was a pretty cool set up to see what was going on... guess that's why it cost $50. And the truck looked brand spankin' new when it was finished!
Fit #3 came this evening, at David and Vickie's house. She had been bugging her Jeff all through the one show he likes to watch during the week - Friday Night Lights - then dropped her Popsicle on him, was climbing all over him and squashing him in the wrong spot if you catch my drift, and the last straw was sticking her tongue out and spitting. It wasn't pretty. But she was in bed before 9!
July 29, 2010 Nothing special happened today. In fact now I can't remember what we did all day. What I do know is that I was shocked when Pearl suddenly decided she wasn't afraid of ants anymore. And that apparently she feels the need to befriend them by feeding the entire colony. We were munching on some chips on the front porch when she announced, "Mom, you proud of me. I sharing my chips with the ants." Huh? When did this happen? Sharing? Liking bugs? Understanding what it means to be proud of something? I guess whatever it takes to teach her how to be nice to others and make good choices is fine by me... even if we have a house full of ants now.
July 28, 2010 I'm about to admit something that is quite pathetic, considering I have a Masters degree and feel I am somewhat intelligent. I sat down and read a book today... for pleasure. I think it's been at least five, yes five, years since I hunkered down and read a book just because I wanted to. I used to read all the time. Jeff even asked where his wife was - the wife that doesn't read books for fun. But when you read reports and scientific journals all day at work and then go home to read textbooks and children's books before bedtime, reading another book is the last thing you want to do. Since I have no clue what's the latest fad in reading these days, I asked my sister to give me something, thinking in all reality I wouldn't get past the first few chapters before having to change a diaper and that I wouldn't finish it. She asked if I was a fast reader, which I responded yes. So she handed me this book. I finished it in less than 24 hours... without staying up late and totally ignoring my children either. I guess I still do remember how to read. And that I enjoy it.
July 27, 2010 I held Cole just a little tighter today... and not just because he wouldn't nap and by bedtime was hysterical... but because I was reminded just how lucky I am to have him. Without going into details, my brother and sister-in-law are going through a really hard time right now. I don't know how they feel or what to say since I've never gone through this myself. I'm at a loss for words and aching for them. As weird as it may sound, their experience has quickly reminded me to be grateful for every cry, poopy diaper, smile, laugh, and coo. Grateful for this sweet little boy, with his wild blonde hair, who wants me to hold him all day long. I love him so much and can't imagine life without him (or Pearl for that matter). I am eternally indebted to my Heavenly Father for this wonderful gift to be a mother. I know families are eternal. I believe things have a way of working out when all hope seems lost and when we are in our deepest despairs. And even though we still experience the pain in these moments, I know there is a plan that can bring us greater joy than we can possibly imagine if we can just hold on. I hope and pray Jesse and Emily can find comfort in knowing this too.
July 26, 2010 Anyone who has taken kids to the grocery store knows what a fun adventure that can be, especially if your kid is like Pearl and insists on riding in one of those monstrous car carts that are a royal pain-in-the-you-know-what to push around and covered in who knows what kind ofgerms. And as is typical, five minutes into the shopping trip Pearl decides she doesn't want to stay put in them. I had no idea though that this battle would pale in comparison to taking her to the grocery store once she discovered some stores have kid carts to push around. And she remembers exactly which stores have them... stores that are not our typical stomping grounds when it comes to groceries. The first time I took her to our normal grocery store she screamed and screamed at me to go to the "other store with the carts." It was fun dragging a screaming toddler around along with her screaming brother.
But I didn't get a college education for nothing. The few remaining brain cells left in me sparked a brilliant idea that has made grocery shopping with Pearl actually enjoyable. Sometimes a bit more expensive than originally anticipated but enjoyable nonetheless. I pack her own midget-sized grocery cart to push around. Sure it's not as sturdy as the ones the "other store" provides but Pearl doesn't care. She happily pushes that thing up and down every isle jabbering about what she needs to buy. And until today, she's only tried to sneak in healthy treats like grapes and bananas. Apparently she saw a good deal on Oreos and Doritos because the next thing I know Pearl is shouting at me from the opposite end of the isle that we need cookies. She was so proud of herself for getting them off the display shelf and putting them in her cart that I didn't have the heart to tell her to put them back. When we got to the checkout line she nearly had a conniption fit when the bagger didn't immediately put them back in her cart. I had to grab them myself and stick them in her cart to calm her down. Of course I am now regretting my decision... as I've eaten almost the entire bag of Oreos. I guess next time I will be handing Pearl a list of stuff we actually need to keep her from sneaking in anymore treats.
July 25, 2010 It might not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but I nearly cried this morning when I saw what Jeff put Cole in. It wasn't that his clothes were uncoordinated or ugly - in fact he looked quite handsome today - but the size of them! If you look really closely at the tag in his shorts you'll see they are 3-6 months. WHAT? When did my baby get big enough to start wearing 3-6 months? I just might go through with my threats to stop feeding him so he stays little forever!
July 24, 2010 We headed down to Orangeville for my Peacock Family reunion today. Every year we have an auction to help pay for the next year's reunion expenses. And every year I have to outbid my relatives to get some of my grandpa's handmade items. It's the only way I can get them because he gives them away to everybody! This year he made 47 tops to give to all the kids. We must have learned our lesson last year with the rubber band guns and the tears of several little boys (and girls) who didn't get one, even with bids of "all my money!" being shouted because this year no one had to bid on them... just scramble to grab one out of the box. It was total chaos for about 10 seconds until all the tops were spoken for. When I realized there was no way our kids stood a chance pushing their way in the crowd to get theirs, I leaned over to Jeff and told him to grab one. But Jeff is smarter than I give him credit for.... he held up a top marked with a triple X (code for good spinner) and just smiled.
July 23, 2010 Today was a rough day. Maybe it's because we usually high tail it out of town for the 24th because the entire city descends on the park for their annual Handcart Days celebration. I don't get the rush of excitement the "locals" have for this thing... maybe you have to grow up with it or live somewhere far away where the trash from the celebrations doesn't collect in your driveway or where traffic doesn't block your driveway for that matter. Or maybe it was because I had great intentions of cleaning, shopping (since I have about three shirts that fit me now... urghhhh another reason why today sucked), and playing with the family since Jeff had the day off. Instead, I stayed at home with a fussy, clingy, and unhappy baby. Everything is still covered in dust, the house stinks, the floor is sticky, and the laundry didn't get done. Meanwhile, Jeff and Pearl went on a daddy/daughter date to the movie, lunch, and then a long nap together (jealous, yes I was!). Sensing my need to get out of the house after all my accomplishments today (ha!), Jeff took us over to the park to see what games and food we could find. Pearl had a great time on the "roller coasters" and spending all her Dad's money on sno cones, cotton candy, and popsicles, none of which she ended up eating. Cole was fairly content to sit in the stroller and ending up falling asleep - FINALLY - for a nap. But the highlight of the evening came when Jeff told me he saw two of the volunteers walking over to pick up the trash on our driveway and sidewalk. The first time in six years we have ever seen this happen. I guess today wasn't so bad after all.
July 22, 2010 Say hello to our new friend and next door neighbor, Trevin, born almost two months to the date after Cole. Not only have we now doubled our primary with the addition of these two, but Cole will now have a friend his age right next door to play with... even if he was pretty unhappy to meet him for the first time this afternoon. Trevin really is a miracle baby after one long, rough year. Everyone knows a family like our neighbors, where they get slammed with one trial after another, reminding you to be grateful you have your own problems and not someone else's! So when the Relief Society asked me to take them dinner tonight (much to Tiff's insistence that I don't do this), I couldn't say no. They are good friends who need a few breaks and if my horrible cooking will help lighten their burdens just a little, I am happy to help. And hey, Jeff came home to a hot meal complete with a main entree, side dish, and dessert. It's a good thing our ward has mostly geezers in it because I'm not sure I could muster up another full course meal like this again.
July 21, 2010 While Pearl and I were trying out a new recipe tonight - she's been begging me for days to bake cookies with her - Jeff and Cole made their way over to the best sno cone place on the planet and came home with this. I love how Cole just happens to be yawning at the same time Jeff is ready to devour as much of the icy treat as he can before Pearl gets her hands on it. It's as if he's saying, "Give me some, Dad!"
July 20, 2010 I took two screaming kids to the doctor today and left with two screaming kids. It was loads of fun. This picture is pre-visit after one hellatious fit by Pearl... which I still have no clue what sparked it or why she freaked out.
Well child visits shouldn't go down like this....
$50 in co-pays;
5 shots, well technically six but one of Cole's was given orally;
4 band aids;
2 screaming, more like hyperventilating kids after said shots and band aids (to Pearl's credit, she did fantastic before we learned she had to get two shots herself);
1 pink sucker; and
$160 in prescriptions.
On a happier note, I have learned that 1% hydro cortisone cream can cure just about anything... from cradle cap to eczema. And here are the kids' stats at their 3 year and two-month checkups.
Pearl Weight: 34 lbs. (76%) Height: 38 1/2 inches (77%)
Cole Weight: 12 lbs. 11 oz. (72%) Height: 23 inches (50%) Head circumference: 38.8 cm. (21%)
I can't wait for our next checkup... to the dentist next week.
July 19, 2010 I'm pretty sure Jeff thinks I do absolutely nothing all day. But I'm telling ya, it's exhausting to get two kids over to the park (so what if it's just across the street) for a picnic. Not only do I have to time it so Cole is hopefully full before we leave, but I've got to make the sandwiches while trying to keep Pearl from eating her weight in fruit snacks and chips. Then we've got to pack the diaper bag for all the "what if's," find Pearl's own picnic blanket, strap on the camera, find my picnic blanket, drag out the stroller, run back inside for a water bottle and potty break, then jam everything into the stroller, strap Cole down, and tell Pearl she can't ride her bike because you can't keep track of one more thing. Even when we're moving, we aren't totally out of the woods yet... you've got to keep Pearl motivated to keep walking because she is crying "my knees hurt" and "I can't walk" and "I'm tired." Then you have to avoid the swings, while secretly praying they are all taken by the big kids, so you can find some shade before Cole totally freaks out and eat your lunch. Once seated things go much smoother. Picnics somehow bring out the best in Pearl's eating habits and she happy lays on the blanket munching away - after stealing your sandwich because it had a tomato on it. Cole attracts stares from everyone at the park, including a pair of boys ages 7-10 years old who have the following conversation while running a bit too close to him for a better look.
Kid #1 "Look at that baby's hair." Kid #2 "It's awesome." Kid #1 "Yeah, he has more hair than you do." Kid #2 "How does he have that much hair?" Kids in unison "Mom, look at that baby's hair. It's awesome."
It's flattering, really, but when you have a kid who seems to attract attention wherever you go, it makes nursing in public a bit more hard. It would be nice to not be noticed as you try to feed a baby and keep your boobs covered.
After three full tummies, you can't avoid the begging anymore and give in... time to head over to the swings. Pearl insists on pushing her baby brother in the stroller and you spend the next five minutes sneakily steering the stroller as to avoid a crash into the trees. A few super underdog pushes later and bribery to have a Popsicle at home, and it's finally over... sort of. The unpacking begins with a baby who feel asleep, a toddler who happily announces she has opened the chest freezer by herself, and a tired mom who is wondering why on earth a simple picnic required so much stuff. Distracted by Pearl pulling out all the Popsicles within sight, you forget to push the stroller back in place and Jeff runs it over when he gets home. Nice. With Popsicles in hand you proceed outside to the swing in the back yard to rock Cole back to sleep and hopefully cool down from the recent workout. Then it starts to rain, downpour actually, so you yell at Pearl to run over to the swing and wait it out. Luckily it didn't last long and no one is completely soaked. You make your way back in the house only to have Cole wake up from his nap and Pearl fight you on taking a nap. Nap... oh that would be nice after a simple picnic like this.
And Jeff wonders why I'm so tired at the end of the day!
July 18, 2010 I know Cole's eyes are closed in this picture but I still think he looks so cute. But don't let that little grin fool you. Cole did not enjoy the beach on what's become dubbed the "best Bear Lake trip ever!" by Jeff (see here for reason why). Unless he was eating, he was not happy to be soaking up rays, playing in the sand, or splashing in the water. Which is funny because out of the four of us, he looks the most like he belongs on a beach with all that blonde, surfer dude hair. So Cole and I sat under the umbrellas while he ate and ate and ate. And once again, I went home from Bear Lake just as white as before. Here's hoping next year we can't keep this kid away from the beach and I get a better chance to work on my tan.
July 16, 2010 He's been begging for one for years. And reminds me every time we go to Bear Lake that walking to the beach SUCKS! And that it's hot and he hates being stuck at the trailer when he could be up in the mountains in the cool air zooming around on one of these. And that it would be a lot more fun to go to the beach on one of them. And that we could go on dates together, like we did before kids, if we had one. So after my last long walk, I gave in.
I have no clue what horsepower this baby has or all the gadgets that come with it. But what I do know is, Jeff has a sparkle in his eye and has been more happy the past few days after getting his brand new Polaris ATV than I've seen in a long time. It's by far the most frivolous thing we have EVER done in our marriage. EVER.
And it was well worth every penny. My only regret is that I didn't up the $$$ limit so I could have one to drive too.
July 15, 2010 After an eight, almost nine, hour stretch of sleep last night due to lack of napping the previous day, I figured this was my chance at getting Cole to take a bottle. My kids just won't take bottles.... advice please! Seeing as how I couldn't wait a second longer for him to wake up and decide to eat, I hurried and pumped before he woke up. Then the battle of wills begun. Unlucky for Cole I am a lot tougher when it comes to this whole bottle thing than I was with Pearl. I have developed a much meaner streak that doesn't panic at the first cry of obvious starvation.
We battled back and forth for over an hour. Cole cried, whined, whimpered, and then proceeded to stare straight ahead and give me the silent treatment. I admit there was one point in which I almost cried myself as he looked up at me with tears in his eyes and then tried to suck on my shirt. I knew one of us would eventually give in.
And it was me.
Well sort of anyway. Cole stubbornly drank an ounce. One puny ounce, just enough to shake off what I was imagining to be low blood sugar and then fall asleep. I must have really traumatized him because when he woke up and I finally nursed him, he looked up at me half way through the feeding with this little smile on his face and cooed at me as if it was all a bad dream.
Too bad this bad dream will be repeated again in the near future.
July 14, 2010 A few months ago Jeff made a new Jib-Jab movie featuring all of us as Star Wars characters. Pearl thought it was hilarious and way cool since she was Princess Leia (yes, I had to google how to spell that). But she'd never seen the actual Star Wars movies. When she discovered there were three of them in our very entertainment center she went bonkers! Days and days of begging her dad to let her watch them, and telling him over and over that she wasn't scared of them, and we finally gave in. We figured "The Return of the Jedi" was the safest one to watch because it has the ewoks in it, which couldn't be that scary. She loved it. Then we found a lightsaber and things got even more exciting. She still has yet to watch any of the other episodes but for a girly-girl, it's a relief knowing we can watch something else besides princess movies.
July 13, 2010 Today was Vickie's birthday... our unbelievable next door neighbor. Because she is so special to us and especially to Pearl, I took Pearl to the store to have her pick out a gift for her. Pearl kept telling me we were at the wrong store because you couldn't buy a princess birthday cake here. She was convinced that Vickie, who eats NO sweets despite bringing us cookies every Sunday, wanted a princess birthday cake just like she had gotten for her birthday. Needless to say it was a battle to get her to cooperate because she didn't understand that Vickie doesn't like cake and because she wanted me to buy her a new bike. After many threats and I'm sure some looks from fellow customers that I was a mom on edge, we finally found some yard decorations that Pearl liked. Of course we had to get the lady bug one since Vickie has about 5 million lady bug decorations scattered throughout her house and yard. Pearl is always happy to go over and see David and Vickie but tonight she was extra excited to get to give her a present and sing happy birthday. And I'm pretty sure Vickie was just as happy to see her.
July 12, 2010 Jeff uses the term "zero fun" quite a bit around here. Like when he's threatening Pearl as she's throwing a fit... "we'll have ZERO fun if you don't stop crying." It's sort of become a joke now that he's zero fun! Well tonight, after a long hard day at the office (if you consider the "office" to be a green with a tee time), Jeff treated us to one of his zero fun adventures at the pool. Living right by the community pool is great and all except for the fact that every day Pearl looks out the window and can see if people are there then proceeds to ask if we can go. She was pumped to finally have us say yes to her pleadings tonight. While Jeff and Pearl played in the pool - the swimming lessons paid off because Jeff could actually sit and lounge in the water while Pearl happily splashed and dunked her head - Cole and I relaxed on the lounge chairs. Well, Cole ate practically the whole time we were there but at least he was a happy camper. Then he proceeded to use his surfer dude looks to attract the babes. And if zero fun at the pool wasn't enough, Jeff treated us all to ice cream afterward. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd take a zero fun day like this any time!
July 11, 2010 Eight years ago today Jeff married me.
Flash forward to today and who would have thought that eight years after that sweltering HOT day in July he'd give our second child one of the two most beautiful baby blessings I've ever heard?
July 10, 2010 No thanks to Toy Story 3 (which Jeff so kindly took us to on HIS birthday), we are now marking Pearl's height on the walls. I really don't remember the actual scene in the movie where this occurred, as I was probably out in the hallway trying to keep Cole from screaming, but apparently Pearl did. She was jabbering to me about some line, yellow crayon in hand, all day before it finally dawned on me what she was wanting us to do. So we finally gave in and marked her height on the doorway of her bedroom. I'm not sure how tall she actually is, considering our floors are crocked, or how long this will actually last before she scribbles all over it (knowing our luck in permanent marker). It's amazing how impressionable kids are!
July 9, 2010 We went to dinner last night with "the girls" - Rachel, Heather, Melissa, and Stephanie. A bunch of co-workers, past and current, of Jeff's. For a long time my mom figured "the girls" were a bunch of old ladies and not actual "girls" Jeff's age. Many a day Jeff would come home without his lunchbox to which he'd reply when I'd question him if he ate his sandwich I had made, that the girls had gone out. Apparently they don't mind a little male testosterone in their outings because they've certainly embraced Jeff as one of their own. Personally, I think Jeff liked having some additional insight into the female brain which will give him an edge on keeping me happy. That or he just likes having a flock of women around him!
July 9, 2010 Pearl has successfully survived Level 1 swimming lessons. And despite being able to do the starfish float, blow bubbles, rocket arms, crab walk safety crawl, and knowing to call the "fire policemen" if you need help, it pails in comparison to being able to jump off the diving board. That's what all kids aspire to doing at the end of each lesson. Now if we could just get her to jump in without having to hold your hand.
July 8, 2010 In honor of Jeff's 32nd birthday, here are 32 reasons why I love this man! 1. He married me! 2. He puts up with my lack of wifely skills... like cooking and ironing just to name a few. 3. He supported me through a four-year Masters degree program. 4. He stayed with me through two pregnancies despite months of puke breath, crying, and buying expensive meds! 5. He makes scrumptiously cute kids! 6. He makes me laugh every day, even when I'm ticked off at him! 7. He is the biggest Aggie fan I've ever seen. 8. He loves shoes. 9. He gives our kids a bath every night. 10. He's my best friend (ok so this is Pearl's reason since she doesn't think it possible that Jeff could also be my best friend). 11. He is a really hard worker. 12. Despite what he says, he really does enjoy being around people. 13. He is the spender... which makes me the saver (ironic since he is an accountant). 14. He read me and my roommate the first book in the Harry Potter series when we were dating. 15. He always does the right thing for our family, even if he doesn't want to. 16. He goes grocery shopping... I hate it. 17. He is a fantastic cook. 18. He takes good care of all of his possessions - to the point that I beg him to donate his high school shirts to charity! 19. He is a loyal friend. 20. He gives beautiful blessings and prayers. 21. He packs everything when we go camping. 22. He moved my cedar chest an obscene amount of times and despite the curses at me each time, he still did it. 23. He always remembers my birthday and our anniversary. 24. He takes care of all the bills. 25. He mows the lawn every Thursday. 26. He is a creature of habit... although at times this drives me bonkers! 27. He is a really good kisser. 28. He tells me no. 29. He is a really good dad and is involved in our kids' lives. 30. He buys me flowers every Presidents Day. 31. He expects people to be their best. 32. He loves me, Pearl, and Cole.
July 7, 2010 Daisies make me feel all summery. We had gigantic daisy plants in our front yard growing up and every summer I looked forward to seeing them explode with flowers. So last year when Jeff and Pearl decided to spruce up our flower bed by the driveway as a Mother's Day present, I asked them to plant some daisies. Since it's right outside the nursery window I get to look at my flowers an obscene amount of times a day and wanted to make sure I had something that made me happy when I looked at them. Days before we headed out of town for the 4th, I could see tons and tons of buds just ready to burst. I just knew they were going to all open while we were gone and as we pulled in the driveway late Monday night, it was the first thing I noticed... all my daisies were in full bloom! We only have three plants but they are huge, taller than Pearl and just bursting with gorgeous flowers. And they sure make for a great view when you're nursing a baby 20 times a day.
July 6, 2010 If you see one of these in your neck of the woods, you have to stop! I'm not a huge fan of shaved ice but these little North Shore Hawaiian shave ice stands that have popped up recently are amazing! The ice is as soft as recently fallen snow and the kids working there don't drown them in syrup. I've never been to Hawaii before so I have no idea if these are the real deal, as you'd think from the grass skirt and flowers all over the stand, but I like the idea that for $2.50 I'm enjoying a small bit of paradise on a hot summer day.
July 5, 2010 This is pretty much how I spent my time at Bear Lake. Feeding a baby. Cole must have thought the only way to get my attention with so many willing and eager hands to hold him was to eat. I'm pretty sure he faked hunger a few times just because he either thought it was funny to watch me trudge back up the beach or so I'd hold him. I'd pick him up and set him on my lap and he'd start smiling and cooing at me. And as soon as he saw my nursing cover he'd kick his legs, open his mouth and start rooting around, and make this cute "oh oh oh" noise. A few times the kid just played with his meal, smiling and flicking you know what just out of pure happiness. It was super cute and pretty funny. But that little twit wouldn't take a bottle to save his life! Pearl was just the same... she never took a bottle. Even my dad couldn't convince him that taking a bottle wasn't the end of the world. And we're not even talking about a bottle of formula! I made my sister stop and pick up my breast pump for heaven's sake! While it's nice to know Cole loves me, it sure would be nice to get a break once in awhile from the mental exhaustion of knowing you're the sole source of nourishment and can't be gone more than two hours. I just don't believe my breasts are that wonderful to render the decision to starve. I mean, no one has ever paid that much attention to them in the first place!
July 4, 2010 Jeff is going through his mid-life crisis, a little early if you ask me or take a look at his longevity gene pool, and has a list of "toys" he'd like to acquire. First on the list is a pair of four wheelers to take to Bear Lake. Since my grandparents have beach front property, we get the luxury of trudging our way through the marsh, willow trees, bugs, and muck to get to the beach... on foot while we watch every year as the neighbors zoom their way up and down the beach on their four wheelers. I don't really mind but every year Jeff threatens to buy some four wheelers so we can avoid the long walk down to the lake.
Since Mother Nature was cruel and had a nice cold spell greeting us this weekend we hadn't made it down to the water until this afternoon. Emily, my sister-in-law, and I told Pearl and Ruby we'd take advantage of the warmth while we could and walk down to the beach (ha... the water was so high this year that we had about a seven foot strip of wet sand to call the beach) to scout out a spot for the rest of the family then come back after lunch in our swimming suits. At first glance the walk down didn't look so bad, even with two kids, two chairs, and two bags full of towels, treats, water bottles, sunscreen, and some beach toys in hand. By the time Pearl was stripped down to just her panties because she had managed to get sopping wet the quick walk down was looking pretty daunting. So up we trudged... me carrying two wet, cold, hungry, tired, and whining little girls while Emily lugged all of our "essential-we-might-need-it" supplies. Thank heavens Jeff realized we were in trouble and sent reinforcements to help us. It was at that moment where I finally realized Jeff's midlife crisis might not be so bad after all.
July 3, 2010 I love my grandma. But she has a serious problem. She is a hoarder. The woman can't part with anything... newspaper clippings (it's her hobby), elastics, those plastic twisty ties, various food containers, zip lock baggies, etc, etc, etc. And her compulsion to keep everything spills over to every property they own, including the their property at Bear Lake. So when I saw my dad replacing some of her clothes pins I just had to snap a picture. It's just so grandma to still keep these things around. After 30 years of use holding towels, swimming suits, and a few pairs of undies you'd think these things would be falling completely apart. But these babies have weathered many a storm and from the look of their springs in comparison to the ones my dad was putting up, they could probably hold up another 30 years. Apparently today's clothes pin is a cheap version of yesteryear's. I made my dad hang them back up after I took a picture not just for sentimental sake but because if my grandma finds out he threw away some perfectly good stuff, she just might heart attack.
July 2, 2010 We headed to Logan for the 4th of July weekend, making a stop to watch the fireworks show with my family. As a kid all of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents would cram into the USU stadium with half of Cache Valley to watch the show. Then we'd stay up the rest of the night as pyromaniacs lighting what must have cost my grandma a good $500 (I'm not joking) worth of fireworks. It was AWESOME. But my expectations for the fourth have lowered over the years as I've realized it's just not worth battling the crowds for a parking spot at the stadium, trying to keep kids entertained and happy while you wait for it to get dark enough to start the show, or spend that much money on explosives. Luckily Pearl is still young enough that we can get away with watching them from a distance, although I'm sure at some point that will change and I'll be crazy enough to do exactly what my parents and grandparents did for us as kids and fork over the money and sanity to get into the stadium. Pearl and Ruby took turns yelling "Pink" and "Green" in between mouthfuls of popcorn. It didn't matter what the actual color of firework was in the sky, they were all pink or green. I didn't watch much of the show since it was WAY past Cole's bedtime and had to start walking back to my parent's house before the grand finale to get Cole fed and in his jammies. I seem to remember doing the same thing three years ago when Pearl was a baby. Too bad this year she wasn't as eager to go to bed after the fireworks display as her little brother!
July 1, 2010 You realize you are older than you think when the toy that used to be fairly popular when you were a kid is a HUGE hit for show and tell, only because no one has ever seen one before. Pearl's old school View Master with 3D slides no less was the talk of the town at school. I guess none of these kids have ever seen anything that wasn't digital before and that's why she has suddenly jumped levels in coolness with her camera. The ironic thing about her choice for show and tell is that it was made on a whim as her dad was threatening to leave her at home if she didn't grab something and fast. She hadn't played with it in months but since it was the nearest toy within reach, she excitedly grabbed it and headed out the door. And I'm not sure where she came up with this idea, but apparently you now say "Pickle!" when you want your friends to smile for the camera. Pearl played with that camera all evening, making up games and asking me what pictures I wanted to see. But I have my doubts that come tomorrow she'll even remember she has it.
I'm going to try this whole 365 thing again. I almost made it... had I not been puking for 6 months straight I would have finished my daily documentation of our lives. But with an adorable excuse to get me taking pictures again, I figured I'd try, try, try again!
My other blog
As if one blog wasn't enough, you can see what else we've been up to on our family blog: http://jeffandkay.blogspot.com.